
Veterinary Student Revision Notes

These notes have got me through vet school! Included in these notes are everything you need to know for that module to pass your exams and be a great vet.


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Parasitology revision: all the endoparasites and ectoparasites you need to know for your veterinary degree

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This document contains the following sections: Endoparasites: protozoa (coccidia, flagellates, piroplasms) and worms (round worms, tapeworms, flukes) Ectoparasites: Arachnida (mites/ticks) and insects (lice/fleas/flies) Each section describes all the common individual parasites, including their epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. They also include pictures of each for easy recognition. I compiled all of these from my University notes and they have completely go...

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  •  • 27 pages • 
  • by emily123thomas • 
  • uploaded  19-06-2020
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