OCR • Economics
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Highly-detailed essay plans to exam questions from past papers to help students successfully answer 25-mark questions and achieve top grades.
23/25 marks for Evaluate the view that Monopoly is always damaging for economic welfare. (25 marks).
This document has essay plans for the entire Macroeconomics portion of the OCR Economics A Level Specification. There are mind map style essay plans for every 'Evaluate' bullet point on the spec (for macroeconomics). The information is separated into 4 sections to reflect how it would translate to paragraphs in an actual essay.
This document has essay plans for the entire Microeconomics portion of the OCR Economics A Level Specification. There are mind map style essay plans for every 'Evaluate' bullet point on the spec (for microeconomics). The information is separated into 4 sections to reflect how it would translate to paragraphs in an actual essay.
Different objectives that firms might have and why
In-depth summary covering the knowledge required under the OCR A level economics specification. Includes a number of analysis and evaluative points to assist students with essay-based questions.
In-depth summary covering the knowledge required under the OCR A level economics specification. Includes a number of analysis and evaluative points to assist students with essay-based questions.
In-depth summary covering the knowledge required under the OCR A level economics specification. Includes a number of analysis and evaluative points to assist students with essay-based questions.
In-depth summary covering the knowledge required under the OCR A level economics specification. Includes a number of analysis and evaluative points to assist students with essay-based questions.
In-depth summary covering the knowledge required under the OCR A level economics specification. Includes a number of analysis and evaluative points to assist students with essay-based questions.