Language (C48LE)

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (HW)

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Harvard Referencing and Citation examples (easy to follow)
  • Harvard Referencing and Citation examples (easy to follow)

  • Other • 2 pages • 2021
  • A guide to Harvard referencing and citation with examples. Referencing is hard work, so this document does the work for you. From the website CiteThemRightOnline, which only certain university institutions have access to, it provides all the information you need to accurately reference Harvard style
  • £6.99
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Write a report related to science (e.g. general science, engineering, medicine, agriculture), compare and contrast two things (plants, animals, disases)
  • Write a report related to science (e.g. general science, engineering, medicine, agriculture), compare and contrast two things (plants, animals, disases)

  • Essay • 4 pages • 2020
  • In your report, you will write on a topic related to science (e.g., general science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, etc.); compare and contrast two things (plants, animals, diseases etc.). ENglish report but also scientific talking about the effects of drip and sprinkle irrigation on tomato growth and need for pesticide/herbicide use. It is APA-style and good work!
  • £9.49
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