

Samenvattingen/essays/papers etc. van mijn Bachelor opleiding International Leisure Studies (Vrijetijdswetenschappen). Vakken die ik o.a. aanbied zijn Sociology, Anthropology, Research Methods, Marketing, Economy etc.

Daarnaast bied ik vanaf 2016 ook samenvattingen aan van mijn Master opleiding Human Resource Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit.


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108 Ontvangen beoordelingen

51 items

Explanation/summary of RMT 3

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Overview/explanation of a couple of Research Methods/SPSS terms. Including the following terms: chi-square, t-test, pearson correlation, regression, factor analysis, validity, reliability, Cohen's D, Z-distribution and T-Distribution,

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  • Handleiding
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door jannahollema • 
  • geupload  31-10-2015
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Summary article: The Meaning of Liquid Leisure

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Summary of the article "The Meaning of Liquid Leisure" by Johan Bouwer & Marco van Leeuwen

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door jannahollema • 
  • geupload  31-10-2015
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Formules nodig voor RMT 1 tentamen

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Klein document met overzichtje van alle formules nodig voor RMT 1 tentamen (zoals de formule voor variance, covariance etc.)

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  • Overig
  •  • 1 pagina's • 
  • door jannahollema • 
  • geupload  30-10-2015
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Paper: An insight in the differences in the work-life balance of the Netherlands and Turkey

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This is a paper about the differences in the work-life balance of Turkey and the Netherlands. It starts with a general explanation of work-life balane, and then looks into the cases of Turkey and the Netherlands. It is about the influence of having chidlren on work, the influence of women working or not etc. I wrote this paper for the course Labour, Care and Leisure Graded with a 7.7, which was quite high for this course.

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  • Essay
  •  • 10 pagina's • 
  • door jannahollema • 
  • geupload  27-10-2015
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