
Psychologie aan de UU en de OU

Hi wanhopige student! Ik zit in het derde jaar van mijn Bachelor psychologie en schrijf zelf samenvattingen als middel om voor mijn tentamens te leren. Voorheen schreef ik samenvattingen voor SlimStuderen. Vind ik leuk: Cineville en Ritalin.

Vind ik niet leuk: Prijzen in de Uithof Spar en een knorrende maag in een stille tentamenzaal...


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28 Reviews received

13 items

Summary Cognitive Neuroscience

31x  sold

This is the summary of 'Cognitive Neuroscience' given to the Faculty of Social Sciences at Utrecht University. It is a very complete summary of the course and provides enough information to pass the exam. Nevertheless, it contains a lot of information about subjects that are useful for students of medicine, psychology and physiology. The topics discussed in this summary are: - EEG - fMRI & Vision - Unit Recording - Auditory Perception - Motor System - Attention - Attention Control - Memory - E...

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  •  Package deal
  • Summary
  •  • 56 pages • 
  • by myrthemail • 
  • uploaded  14-12-2018
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Sensation & Perception Exam Summary

24x  sold

This is the summary of the 'Sensation & Perception' given to the Faculty of Social Sciences at Utrecht University. It is a very complete summary of the course and provides enough to pass the exam. Nevertheless, it contains a lot of information about subjects that are useful for students of medicine, psychology and physiology. The topics discussed in this summary are: - The Eye - Spatial Vision - Object Recognition - Color - Space and Depth - Attention and Scenes - Motion perception - The vesti...

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  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Class notes
  •  • 95 pages • 
  • by myrthemail • 
  • uploaded  13-12-2018
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