Professional Child Care

Universiteit Leiden (UL)

Here are the best resources to pass Professional Child Care. Find Professional Child Care study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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Articles Summary
  • Articles Summary

  • Summary • 47 pages • 2018
  • This document is a systematic summary of all the readings for the course Professional Child Care at Leiden University. All the articles for the year 2017/2018 are included. Each article starts with a small overview of the main findings and conclusions followed by a table or graph representing the most important concepts or findings you need to study. This is an extensive summary where not only the conclusions are summarised, but also the meta-analyses, literature reviews, methods, theories and d...
  • $3.92
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Summary items KOPV 15/16 (professional childcare)
  • Summary items KOPV 15/16 (professional childcare)

  • Summary • 21 pages • 2016
  • This document is for each article of the reading list for 'Professional Childcare 15/16' given a separate summary of the purpose of the article, some background literature (and possibly. Theories), method, results and discussion. All items are covered which is intended to present all information in the clearest possible way without too much of text, but with sufficient explanation
  • $5.61
  • 21x sold
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Summary Clarke-Stewart & Allhusen (2005) KOPV 15/16 (professional childcare)
  • Summary Clarke-Stewart & Allhusen (2005) KOPV 15/16 (professional childcare)

  • Summary • 8 pages • 2016
  • This summary gives only the main points of the book, in which all zinlozen text is omitted. The summary gives a good overview of the contents of the book and is divided into various chapters of the book. The summary is organized and structured, and includes visually obvious points to remember without a lot of text but with sufficient explanation. ATTENTION !: This summary is not very extensive, but complete and contains only the most important information
  • $3.92
  • 23x sold
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