Eastern Michigan University
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Latest notes & summaries Eastern Michigan University
A summary of mixed methods research and the different types of research within this method. Notes cover the strands and timing, and the three most common types of mixed method studies, as well as what mixed method studies are not.
These notes are based on Chapter 1 of Wheeler and Murphy's "An Introduction to Music Therapy Research", a text that is required of all undergraduate music therapy students at Eastern Michigan University to take during the winter semester of their senior year of studies. Chapter 1 focuses on a general overview of music therapy research. It introduces discipline, profession, and foundational research--as well as thoroughly explains the differences between research, clinical practice, and theory...
These notes are based on Chapter 9 of Wheeler and Murphy's "An Introduction to Music Therapy Research", a text that is required of all undergraduate music therapy students at Eastern Michigan University to take during the winter semester of their senior year of studies. Chapter 9 focuses on principles of interpretivist research, including: focuses, topics, questions, philosophical bases and epistemology, historical roots, and more. Wheeler, B. (2016). Chapter 9: Principles of Interpretivist ...
These notes are based on Chapter 13 of Wheeler and Murphy's "An Introduction to Music Therapy Research", a text that is required of all undergraduate music therapy students at Eastern Michigan University to take during the winter semester of their senior year of studies. Chapter 13 focuses on the data collection process in interpretivist research, levels of engagement with data sources, reflexivity, sampling, etc. Douglas, K. (2016). Chapter 13: Data Collection in Interpretivist Research. In ...
These notes were taken for my Music Therapy Research class about historical research in music therapy. It focuses on traditional historical research, interpretivist historical research, topic selection, sources, analysis, and other considerations.
These notes are based on Chapter 2 of Wheeler and Murphy's "An Introduction to Music Therapy Research", a text that is required of all undergraduate music therapy students at Eastern Michigan University to take during the winter semester of their senior year of studies. Chapter 2 focuses on the history of music therapy research, taking in many different worldviews (not revolved around only North American music therapy) and including pre-professional and professional music therapy research. Me...
These notes I took for my Music Therapy Research class consider multiple different vulnerable populations that can be worked with in human-subject studies. Populations included in these notes are: elders, individuals who identify as transgender, individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, and minors. Issues discussed include: true informed consent, assent, confidentiality, respect, non-maleficence, assessment of risk, and more.
These notes explain all of the components that should be included when writing a consent form to research that involves human subjects. I wrote these notes for my Music Therapy Research class, but you may find these useful to reference for any research involving human subjects.
These cultures of inquiry notes are helpful for research. I took these for my Music Therapy Research class, but it might be helpful for any undergraduate student trying to learn about the different research methodologies and how they connect to various paradigms.
These notes are based on Chapter 7 of Wheeler and Murphy's "An Introduction to Music Therapy Research", a text that is required of all undergraduate music therapy students at Eastern Michigan University to take during the winter semester of their senior year of studies. Chapter 7 focuses on the epistemological foundations of both objectivist and interpretivist research. Hiller, J. (2016). Chapter 7: Epistemological Foundations of Objectivist and Interpretivist 
Research. In B. Wheeler & K. Mu...