

I'm Grace - I am an English Literature First Class Honours graduate who happens to love History and Sociology. I've been tutoring both for over three years and have a five star tutor rating.

If you're interested in my tutoring services, please find me on MyTutor.

My material is always up-to-date and detailed - I care about helping you achieve your best! Good luck!


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AS Level AQA Education Revision notes - A* level, updated information; extremely detailed

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48 pages of detailed, up-to-date revision notes for AS Education on the AQA board. I used these notes myself and achieved A's and A*s. I also tutor Sociology and use these notes as the basis of my lessons, and my students have all achieved A's and A*s. These notes are detailed and laid out in a coherent and clear manner, with lots of colour and pictures to make them more interesting. I have put many hours into these notes to ensure they contain the best information, studies, statistics and e...

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  •  Book
  • Other
  •  • 49 pages • 
  • by GraceGerrard • 
  • uploaded  24-02-2018
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