

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller MaxGregor.


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5 Reviews received

11 items

European Union (EU) Politics - Summary

12x  sold

This summary contains all the necessary basic information+ more in-depth information about the EU, its history, its institutions and its future. This comprehensive summary consists of all necessary information on the EU: its history, its institutions and its future. EU European Union Politics EC Eeauropean politics Commission ECJ European Court of Justice TREATIONS TFEU TEU European Parliament European Council European Council Council of the European Union Ministers MEP MEPs ...

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  •  Book
  • Summary
  •  • 73 pages • 
  • by MaxGregor • 
  • uploaded  11-01-2021
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EU Law II. Substantive Law of the EU (European Union)

0x  sold

This bundle consists of the following: - A summary - Important cases - Important terms/descriptions - Useful schemes It is useful for students of the specific course EU Law II of the Bachelor European Studies at Maastricht University, but can also be used by other students, as it covers the most important topics of substantive EU law.

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  • Package deal
  •  • 4 items • 
  • by MaxGregor • 
  • uploaded  09-01-2021
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Complete Summary - Research Design (Research design in political science, Toshkov)

24x  sold

Complete Summary - Research Design (Research design in political science, Toshkov) Extensive comprehensive summary of Toshkov's "Research design in political science", suited for the master course Research Design of Leiden University, but can also be used for the bachelor course research design at Maastricht University. Public Administration research design empirical research explanatory research qualitative quantitative theory descriptive predictive explanatory normative positivist Toshkov S...

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  •  Book
  • Summary
  •  • 40 pages • 
  • by MaxGregor • 
  • uploaded  08-01-2021
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