Everglades University

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(answered) The Crucible Act IV questions.
  • (answered) The Crucible Act IV questions.

  • Other • 3 pages • 2023
  • Available in package deal
  • The Crucible Act IV questions & answers. 1. Why has Reverend Hale returned to Salem? He has returned to speak with and pray for those who are in sentenced to hang for witchcraft (Miller 123). 2. What is Reverend Hale advising the condemned to do? 3. What does Reverend Parris reveal about his niece Abigail? 4. What is the condition of Salem at this point? 5. Why would there be a riot in Salem if John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse are hanged? 6. What does Reverend Parris want Danforth to do? 7. What d...
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