PMW Onderwijs

Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA)

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Summary PMW Education - What is good education (Klarus, 2012) and Manual of Psychological Assessment for the assistance to children (chapter 3)
  • Summary PMW Education - What is good education (Klarus, 2012) and Manual of Psychological Assessment for the assistance to children (chapter 3)

  • Summary • 39 pages • 2012
  • This is a summary of everything that has to do with education. What about teaching there now for, what are the developments in the field of education, how to become a good teacher, how to organize your classes, what does a teacher in education, how do you encourage students, how do you motivate students, what is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, how do pupils in vocational and how do you deal with that order, how do VMBO pupils etc. .. it is a comprehensive and clear summary. Suitab...
  • $4.43
  • 87x sold
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