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McGlone Exam 3 Clues

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Exam 3 Clues
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 3:17 PM

Post War 1812 economic change. 1. After the war of 1812, what major change occurred to the economy?
- Types of economy i. There is an increase in prosperity since Americans have begun to be self-
▪ New England economy focused more on shipping and commerce reliant, so they start manufacturing and selling more (especially due to cott
▪ South had a slavery based agricultural economy 2. What types of economy were there based on the regions of the US?
▪ West -> cheap land and transportation i. New England's economy was based on shipping and commerce
ii. The south's economy was based on agriculture and slavery
- Madison saw a need for a strong central bank
iii. The west's economy was based on their cheap land, which they would sell,
▪ Americans started to become more self-reliant from Britain due to the embargo
transportation, probably taxes on the roads or something like that
act 3. What did Madison see was definitely needed for a prosperous country even thou
Nationalism. it was against what he believed?
- After the war, Americans began to see themselves as a true independent country i. He believed there was a need for a strong federal government, a large
since they were able to fight back and win against Britain who they had depended on army/navy, and the national bank
financially too. 4. Who were the Americans depending on (material wise) and why did they start b
Nationalism part 2. self-reliant?
- The expansion of American territory and increase in manufacturing also led to more a. The Americans depended on Britain since they bought everything from them
self-reliance of Americans in the US but after/during the War of 1812 and all the tariffs Americans had to be mo
▪ No longer had to keep buying from other places like European stuff self-reliant
▪ Started to stand up for themselves and knew they could fight back 5. Why did nationalism start increasing in the American states?
Important politicians. a. Nationalism began to rise since Americans were able to beat Britain, a globa
superpower, so they got some pride after the war and leveling with Britain
- John Marshall
6. Where was nationalism also seen and who was leading it?
▪ Known for the many cases he helped settle in the Supreme Court
a. In the supreme court nationalism was also on the rise, which was led by chi
□ Nationalism in the supreme court was also flourishing justice John Marshall
□ McCullough v Maryland - states couldn't tax the national bank 7. What were the three cases Chief Justice Marshall ruled and what were they abou
□ Dartmouth College v Woodward -The Court held that the College's a. McCullough v. Maryland(1819) - how states cannot tax the national bank
corporate charter qualified as a contract between private parties, with b. Dartmouth College v. Woodrow(1819) - states can't meddle with private
which the legislature could not interfere. contracts
□ Gibbons v Ogden- established the precedent that Congress—not the c. Gibbons v. Ogden(1824) - No private companies can say they have a monop
states—has the authority to regulate interstate commerce on commerce it also established federal supremacy in regulating interstate
▪ James Monroe commerce
□ President during the Era of Good Feelings where there were no parties and 8. Who was the president during the Era of good feelings (1815-25)?
no "important" issues that split the country a. James Monroe
 Nationalism was strong and sectionalism was dormant 9. What was the Era of good feelings?
a. A time where there were "no" divisive issues, sectionalism was dormant, an
Divisive issues.
nationalism was high.
- Missouri Compromise (1820)
10. What was a major issue during 1819?
▪ Missouri wanted to enter the union as a slave state, but the North thought it a. Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state into the union, which was support
would throw the balance off and said that they should enter as a free state and by southerners because they wanted more influence in congress, but the
southerners didn’t want that to happen because they wanted more control in northerners did not because they wanted it to ban slavery and for the South
congress not have as much influence
▪ They compromised by letting Missouri be a slave state, made Maine (previously 11. What was the compromise that was agreed upon, and how did they feel about it
Massachusetts) a free state, and literally split the country in half with 36"30 a. They agreed for Missouri to enter as a slave state as long as another free sta
saying above it there was no more slavery was created, which was Maine (part of back then Massachusetts), and from
- However in Missouri they banned free blacks so back at it again with another the 36'30 line and up there would be no more slavery when new states wou
compromise emerge.
▪ This time for Missouri to be an actual state they had to promise to not ban b. Nobody was happy because North didn't like that it spread slaver, while the
anybody and the free blacks would get equal rights as stated in the constitution south didn't like that the government could tell the states what to do unlike
the beginning where they decided what they would be.
- Outcome of compromise
12. What other major issue occurred during 1819?
▪ South is unhappy because it shows that congress can decide what the states do
a. The panic of 1819 where the economy kind of went down because Britain
▪ North is unhappy because of the spread of slavery stopped buying as much cotton as they used to and because the bank kept
Important politicians part 2. lending money out to southern farmers to plant cotton, but farmers wouldn
- Henry Clay pay them bank. Lasted about three years
▪ Was known as the "great compromiser" since he helped settle the Missouri 13. After Missouri was a state, what happened and what did Clay do about it?
compromise even though no one was happy in the end a. Once Missouri entered the union, they wrote in their constitution that free
International dealings. blacks and those of mixed race were banned from their state, but Henry Cla
- John Quincy Adams told them that to be considered a state they would not write that because f
▪ Secretary of state for James Monroe who dealt with many diplomatic issues that blacks and mulatto's had rights/protection too due to the US constitution
rose up 14. What politician played a big role in the Missouri compromise and how was he
- Rush -Bagot Treaty of 1817: There were many war ships in the great lakes and they known?
were afraid conflict would break out again, so they settled in having smaller vessels a. Henry Clay was the "Great compromiser" since he helped come to terms wi
both the south and north about Missouri, though both were unhappy as we
to look out for Canada, Britain's land still
15. John Quincy Adams dealt with a lot of diplomatic issues because…
- Convention of 1818: setting boundaries between Britain and US for the Oregon
a. He was James Monroe's secretary of state
territory 16. What two treaties did Adams negotiate and what did they do?
- Adam Onis Treaty 1819 a. Adam-Onis treaty 1819: when the US got Florida legally and gave up Texas,
▪ US would give up claims on Texas and get Florida Spanish would give up the Oregon territory
▪ US also didn't want Spanish to try and claim the Oregon country b. Rush Bagot treaty of 1817: when British warships were in the great lakes an
▪ Promised to pay Spanish debts of the American citizens the US were afraid of conflict breaking out again, so they settled this proble
International dealings part 2. by allowing Britain to have smaller vessels so they can look out for Canada a
- Monroe Doctrine not look threatening to the US
▪ The US, a growing world power, declares that the Americas are off limits and c. Adams also participated in the Convention of 1818 where they talked about
that the Europeans can no longer claim any of the Americas setting boundaries for the Oregon territory at the 49th parallel line
▪ Many revolutions are starting to take place in Latin America and want to have 17. What did the Monroe Doctrine state and what did the US started to do?
independence a. The Monroe doctrine was a treaty passed by the US stating that they would
support the Latin Americas break free from European powers, basically
□ The US recognizes the Latin Americas independence
independence, and that Europe could no longer try to claim them because
Presidential election.
they would have to fight the US too.
- After Monroe, many tried to become the President 18. What was promised to Europe in the Monroe Doctrine?
▪ Many of the people running were from Monroe's cabinet a. The US said that as long as the Americas were left alone, they wouldn't try t
- Corrupt Bargain claim other European colonies

History Page 1

, □ The US recognizes the Latin Americas independence
independence, and that Europe could no longer try to claim them because
Presidential election.
they would have to fight the US too.
- After Monroe, many tried to become the President 18. What was promised to Europe in the Monroe Doctrine?
▪ Many of the people running were from Monroe's cabinet a. The US said that as long as the Americas were left alone, they wouldn't try t
- Corrupt Bargain claim other European colonies
▪ Although Jackson had one the popular vote, he believed that there was some 19. How many terms was Monroe President for and what occurred after?
sort of corrupt bargain between Clay, who didn't like Jackson, and Adams, who a. Monroe was president for two terms due to the Era of good feelings, and th
was his closest opponent mostly everyone from his cabinet wanted to become president, and Jackson
▪ Adams wins presidency and Clay is appointed as secretary of state, which makes was also running for president in 1824
Jackson dislike them more since he was a "common man" 20. What was the "corrupt bargain"? Who did it benefit and not work for?
Party Politics. a. Although Jackson had won the popular vote, Clay didn't want him to becom
- After the election of 1824, a new party system emerges president and reached out to Adams so they struck a deal so that Adams co
▪ National Republicans win presidency and Clay was to become the secretary of state, which back t
was a stepping stone to the presidency. This plot was obviously pointed out
□ Supported national bank, strong central government and road building
Jackson after he lost, but he was told off and was said to be a sore loser sinc
□ Generally supported by farmers and merchants
there was no solid proof.
□ Adams side per say 21. What two parties emerged after the presidency of 1824?
▪ Democrats a. Whigs (John Quincy Adams)- supported strong federal government, nationa
□ Jackson's side per say bank, and road building. Supported by farmers and merchants
□ Believed in state's rights and smaller government b. Democrats ( Andrew Jackson)- supported state's rights and smaller
□ Generally supported by frontier people, immigrants, and city workers government and mostly followed by frontier people, immigrants, and city
1828 election workers
- One of the dirties elections 22. What election was the dirtiest of the time and what happened for it to be
▪ Both Jackson and Adams began to slander one another (tho' Clay was the one considered a dirty election?
slandering Jackson the most since he didn't want Jackson to win) a. In the election of 1828, both Adams and Jackson faced off again. Clay, of
□ Due to this, a rumor circulating Jackson' wife began and when she couldn't course, didn't want Jackson to win so he started to slander him by publishin
hold anymore died of a heart attack and Jackson hated everyone who articles about him since he owned a newspaper company. Jackson fought b
and began to call Adams name too
slandered her
23. Who won the 1828 election and why?
- Jackson wins election since he appeals to the common men saying that the elites
a. In the end, Jackson won because he appealed to common folk by telling the
were corrupt that elites were corrupt and because now more people could vote too
▪ Once he won, he was in for a major power grab to get rid of the elites who he 24. What was different from Jackson that other presidents had?
thought basically killed his wife a. Jackson was from Tennessee (the west) while most of the past presidents w
▪ He also lifted restriction and allowed for men in general to start voting from the south or like two from the north.
Jackson’s background. 25. How was Jackson known throughout his presidency?
- First president from the west a. He was known as Old Hickory
▪ Most were from the south, especially after there were no more federalists 26. What did Jackson believe was bad and what did he do to fix it?
- Born from Irish immigrants in 1767 a. He disliked having national debt and paid it off COMPLETELY since he reduc
- Fought in both the American revolution (at age 14) and the War of 1812 federal spending and increased tariffs, and absolutely LOATHED the nationa
▪ Had a scar because he was captured by the British and instead of doing what he bank
was told he attempted to leave and a British officer slashed him 27. What did Jackson believe about the Native Americans and what did he want to d
about them?
- He also worked as an attorney in Tennessee before getting involved in politics
a. He wanted to kick them out of "US" land so more US citizens could farm and
- Was known as Old Hickory and in his speech he appealed to the common men
because he thought Natives were primitive and they shouldn't be around.
▪ White house was trashed because after inauguration speech they got drunk 28. Who won the election of 1832?
Jackson’s beliefs a. Jackson won the election and by a landslide
- Believed that national debt was "black magic" and paid it off 29. What occurred during Jackson's presidency and what was the impact?
▪ He reduced federal spending a. There was an economic crash since he shut down the national bank. Not on
▪ Destroyed the second national bank because he hated it that but he survives an assassination attempt since the guy shooting him
- Wanted to remove the native Americans so that the citizens could have more land to sucked and Jackson beat him with his cane this led to some future presiden
settle in to walk with a gun (this was before the secret service). Additionally, new
Jackson’s 1st term happenings. parties began to emerge because of conflict with Jackson's view on a lot of
- 1832, Jackson won reelection against Clay by a landslide things.
▪ Bank war dominated in 1832 30. What was Jackson known for with the Natives before he became president? And
▪ 1836: leads to an economic crash because of the disappearance of the national what led to him trying to kick them out?
a. He was known for many treaties he had done to allow US to get more land
from the natives
▪ Jackson had an assassination attempt by Richard Lawrence w/two pistols but
b. He thought they were primitive and needed guidance that plus he supporte
misses twice and Lawrence is beaten with a Jackson's Cane the common man and since they had shown interested in trying to farm cot
- In 1834 a new party emerges, the Whig party he was like "we need more land" "from where? From them duh."
▪ Supported what a federalist would and had support from some of the northern 31. Did everyone support Jackson's view on the natives?
east and the wealthy a. No because some thought it was unfair to kick the natives out since it was t
▪ Emerged to oppose "king Andrew I" land first. Especially since although natives could own the land they couldn'
- Anti-masonic party emerges because they don't like the idea of people meeting in legally hold their titles, so it was like they weren't taken into consideration a
secret all and did the bare minimum so the natives could feel like they were taken
▪ A man tries to leave a fraternity and is killed which also allows for the emerging into account.
of this party 32. What were the two major court cases that talked about the natives and how we
Jackson & the Natives pt.1,2, and 3 they different?
- Indian Policy a. Cherokee nation v. Georgia (1831): Marshall had ruled that the Cherokee
couldn’t lose their land if somebody forcefully took it from them, but becau
▪ Jackson was known for his treaties of negotiating with Indians to get more land
they willingly gave it up, but a year later (1832) there was another court cas
for the US
which was Worcester v. Georgia, that ruled that the Cherokee weren't part
▪ Increase in demand for cotton led to many people wanting land to grow cotton the US so they couldn’t fight back legally.
▪ Jackson thought Indians were primitive and needed guidance 33. In 1835, the Treaty of New Echota came to play. What was that and how did it
□ Some disagreed and said it was the Natives land first and what Jackson was impact the Cherokee tribe?
doing was bad a. The treaty of New Echota was where a few of the Cherokee said they would
▪ In 1823, many Indians could be in their land but weren't able to hold titles give up land they owned in the east for $5 million as well as help from the U
- Trail of Tears to find new land for them to settle, but not all of the Cherokee agreed with
▪ Cherokee nation v. Georgia (1831) - Marshall ruled that the Cherokee couldn't ones who had left to negotiate and refused to leave
lose their land if forcefully take away but if they gave it up it was fine b. This led to the US to forcefully remove them in what is now known as the tr
▪ Worcester v. Georgia (1832)- ruled that Cherokee weren't part of us so could of tears because Van Buren and his forces made them leave and didn't help
not fight back legally them relocate as they had promised, leaving many natives to die.
▪ Treaty of New Echota -> Cherokee would give up all land they owned in the East 34. Why did Jackson distrust/hate the bank? How were people placed into positions
a. Jackson wanted to completely remove the second national bank because he
for $5 million as well as help to find new land for them
hated all banks due to a personal experience with it. He also hated how the
○ But only a few actually left, some still stay there since they didn’t agree
positions in the bank were handpicked by people in the bank and no comm

History Page 2

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