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How Children Develop notes (1st edition)

Robert Siegler, Jenny Saffran - ISBN: 9781319107406

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Summary How Children Develop

How Children Develop has established itself as the textbook teachers and researchers trust for the most up-to-date perspectives on child development. The authors, each a well-known scientist and educator-have earned that trust by introducing core concepts and impactful discoveries with an unparalleled integration of theory, cultural research, and applications, all in a style that is authoritative yet immediately comprehensible and relevant to students. The new edition has been rigorously updated and welcomes co-author Elizabeth Gershoff (The University of Texas at Austin), who brings a breadth of research and teaching experience to the discussions of social and emotional development. The book can also be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, LaunchPad, which offers innovative media content, curated and organised for easy assignability. LaunchPad's intuitive interface presents quizzing, flashcards, animations and much more to make learning actively engaging.