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Fundamentals of Marketing Zusammenfassungen (1. ausgabe)

Paul Baines, Chris Fill - ISBN: 9780198748571

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Alle 28 Zusammenfassungen für Fundamentals of Marketing anzeigen, verfasst von Paul Baines, Chris Fill. Alle Fundamentals of Marketing Zusammenfassungen, Mitschriften, Karteikarten, Lernzettel und weiteres Lernmaterial werden von Kommilitonen oder Tutoren verfasst, um dir das Verständnis des Lehrbuchinhalts zu erleichtern. Wenn du die Zusammenfassung findest, die perfekt zu deinem Lernstil passt, wird das Lernen zum Kinderspiel.

Bestseller Fundamentals of Marketing Zusammenfassungen

Chapter 9: Managing Marketing Communications
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Fundamentals of Marketing - Oxford University (Paul Baines, Chris Fill, Sara Rosengren, and Paolo Antonetti) Chapter 9: Managing Marketing Communications

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  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 8 Seiten • 
  • von danique2212 • 
  • hochgeladen  21-10-2017
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Fundamentals of Marketing Summary
3,44 €

Extensive Marketing Summary (English) Extensive and structured summary that covers the basic and the ins and outs of national and international marketing. Consists of 9 full pages that include examples and detailed images.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 9 Seiten • 
  • von QSummaries • 
  • hochgeladen  01-02-2019
i x

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Neueste Fundamentals of Marketing Zusammenfassungen

Fundamentals of Marketing Summary
3,44 €

Extensive Marketing Summary (English) Extensive and structured summary that covers the basic and the ins and outs of national and international marketing. Consists of 9 full pages that include examples and detailed images.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 9 Seiten • 
  • von QSummaries • 
  • hochgeladen  01-02-2019
i x

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Zusammenfassung Fundamentals of Marketing

Do you want to know how a traditionally French brand expands into an international market, how a department store can channel its business online, or how any organization can incorporate social media into their communication campaigns? What can you learn from these practices, how do they incorporate sustainability and ethical practice, and how could it influence your career, whether in marketing or not? Incorporating the big brand case studies, unique expert insights, and engaging learning features of the best-selling Marketing by Baines, Fill, and Rosengren, Fundamentals of Marketing is the most complete resource for students looking for a briefer guide to help build their theoretical understanding of marketing into skilful practice. Covering the most essential theories and latest trends, this book take you from the traditional marketing mix to the cutting-edge trends of the discipline, with a particular focus on sustainability, ethics, and digitalization. With cases featuring international companies such as YouTube, Kopparberg, and Nestle, and exploring issues such as greenwashing, guilt appeals, and responsible branding, the book goes beyond marketing theory to illustrate marketing at work in the business world, and how it can be used to promote a company's success. Review and discussion questions conclude each chapter, prompting readers to examine the themes discussed in more detail and critically engage with the theory. Links to seminal papers throughout each chapter also present the opportunity to take learning further and read in depth on selected topics. A fully integrated Online Resource Centre allows you to learn from real-life marketers whose video interviews expand on the book's Case Insights to offer a more in-depth view of their world. From Withers Worldwide to Aston Martin, Lanson International to Spotify, household names as well as SMEs and online businesses discuss their real-life marketing dilemmas and how they navigated their way to a positive outcome. Test bank questions, internet activities, and web links also allow you to test your learning and explore key concepts further. Fundamentals of Marketing has all you need to begin your journey into the fascinating world of marketing. The book is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre that features: For everyone: Case Insight videos Library of video links Worksheets For students: Author audio podcasts Multiple-choice questions Flashcard glossaries Employability guidance and marketing careers insights Internet activities Research insights Web links For lecturers: VLE content PowerPoint slides Test bank Essay questions Tutorial activities Marketing resource bank Pointers on answering the discussion question at the end of each chapter of the book Figures and tables from the book in electronic format Transcripts of the Case Insight videos