

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor jordynleem.


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23 artículos

All grade 11 consumer study notes/summary's based off of IEB textbooks and loads of extra notes takes during class

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This bundle covers the following main large sections of consumer note: The consumer, design elements and principles, applying design elements and principles to interiors and clothing, food and nutrition and individual nutritional needs and fibres and fabrics

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  •  • 4 artículos • 
  • por jordynleem • 
  • subido  06-12-2021
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All grade 11 business notes covering 12 sections based off of IEB textbooks and extra notes taken during classes

1x  vendido

Detailed grade 11 business notes covering the following sections: Business environments, management and entrepreneurship, professionalism and ethics, creative thinking and problem solving, cooperate social responsibility, forms of ownership, finance function, risk management, PR, marketing and team and conflict managamnet

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  •  • 11 artículos • 
  • por jordynleem • 
  • subido  06-12-2021
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