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Samenvattingen Personality

Jerry M. Burger - ISBN: 9781337671705

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Bekijk alle 13 samenvattingen van Personality, geschreven door Jerry M. Burger. De samenvattingen van Personality op Stuvia zijn geschreven door studenten of docenten, waardoor je de inhoud van het studieboek makkelijker en sneller begrijpt. Door de samenvatting te vinden die perfect bij jouw leerstijl past, wordt studeren een stuk eenvoudiger.

Meest verkochte samenvattingen voor Personality

Personality Psychology: Jung, Adler, Horney and Erickson
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These notes cover the theories of personality by Alfred Adler(personality development), Carl Jung(Archetypes, and the collective unconscious), Erik Erickson(ego psychology, identity crisis, and personality development), and Karen Horney(Feminine psychology, Neurosis). These notes also cover Erik Fromm and his views on religion and how it relates to psychology.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Freud

These notes cover Freud, his theory of personality, Id, Superego, and ego, developmental stages, the unconscious, and defense mechanisms

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 3 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: The cognitive approach

These notes cover the cognitive approach, including Personal construct theory, Personal constructs, cognitive personality variables, cognitive effective units, possible selves, self discrepancies, and psychotherapy.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 3 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Gender roles

These notes cover gender roles, gender role stereotypes and behaviors, Masculinity and Femininity , androgyny, as well as gender and interpersonal relationships.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Behaviorism, Conditioning, and learning

These notes cover the topics of behaviorism, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, what role punishment plays in conditioning, social learning theory, social cognitive theory, self efficacy in therapy, and behavior modification methods.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 5 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Self disclosure, Loneliness, and self esteem

these notes cover the topics of self disclosure, disclosure reciprocity, trauma, Loneliness and the effects of loneliness, self esteem, self worth, and solitude.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: the Humanistic approach

These notes cover the humanistic approach, the three major concepts of the humanistic view, the roots of humanistic psychology, key elements to the humanistic approach, personal growth, Carl Rogers theory, conditional and unconditional positive regard, Abraham Maslow's theories, self actualization, optimal experience, person centered therapy, the Q-sort technique, and job satisfaction.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Personality traits and Mate selection

These notes cover the heritability of personality traits, genetic influences on personality, twins and their personalities, extroversion and introversion, happiness, and mate selection.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 3 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Anxiety and coping mechanisms

these notes cover anxiety, the different ways people cope with anxiety, ineffective ways to cope with anxiety, the frustration aggression hypothesis, displacing aggression, catharsis and aggression, attachment theories, the 4 category model,

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Dreams, humor, hypnosis

These notes go over the topics of dream interpretation and how it is used in psychology, the function of dreams, defense mechanisms, using humor to displace aggression, and hypnosis and why it works for some people but not for others.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Nieuwste samenvattingen van Personality

Personality Psychology: Jung, Adler, Horney and Erickson
1x  verkocht

These notes cover the theories of personality by Alfred Adler(personality development), Carl Jung(Archetypes, and the collective unconscious), Erik Erickson(ego psychology, identity crisis, and personality development), and Karen Horney(Feminine psychology, Neurosis). These notes also cover Erik Fromm and his views on religion and how it relates to psychology.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Gender roles

These notes cover gender roles, gender role stereotypes and behaviors, Masculinity and Femininity , androgyny, as well as gender and interpersonal relationships.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Behaviorism, Conditioning, and learning

These notes cover the topics of behaviorism, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, what role punishment plays in conditioning, social learning theory, social cognitive theory, self efficacy in therapy, and behavior modification methods.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 5 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Self disclosure, Loneliness, and self esteem

these notes cover the topics of self disclosure, disclosure reciprocity, trauma, Loneliness and the effects of loneliness, self esteem, self worth, and solitude.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: the Humanistic approach

These notes cover the humanistic approach, the three major concepts of the humanistic view, the roots of humanistic psychology, key elements to the humanistic approach, personal growth, Carl Rogers theory, conditional and unconditional positive regard, Abraham Maslow's theories, self actualization, optimal experience, person centered therapy, the Q-sort technique, and job satisfaction.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Personality traits and Mate selection

These notes cover the heritability of personality traits, genetic influences on personality, twins and their personalities, extroversion and introversion, happiness, and mate selection.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 3 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Theories of personality

These notes cover topics including what personality is, whether or not it is inherited, Hans Eysenck's personality theory, the structure of personality, stimulation levels, sensitivity to reinforcement, temperament, uninhibited children, inhibited children, Evolutionary personality psychology, anxiety and social exclusion, behaviors of children in schools, temperament and academic performance, and brain activity.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 5 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: The trait approach

these notes discuss trait theorists Gordon Allport, Henry Murray, and Raymond Cattell, as well as discussing the big 5 model, and whether or not traits predict future behavior

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Anxiety and coping mechanisms

these notes cover anxiety, the different ways people cope with anxiety, ineffective ways to cope with anxiety, the frustration aggression hypothesis, displacing aggression, catharsis and aggression, attachment theories, the 4 category model,

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Personality Psychology: Dreams, humor, hypnosis

These notes go over the topics of dream interpretation and how it is used in psychology, the function of dreams, defense mechanisms, using humor to displace aggression, and hypnosis and why it works for some people but not for others.

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  • Boek aantekeningen
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door RNarushof • 
  • geupload  28-08-2018
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Waarom studeren met boeksamenvattingen op Stuvia?


Relevantie, efficiëntie en gemak. Dat zijn belangrijke elementen tijdens het studeren of het voorbereiden voor een vak, examen of tentamen. Studeren met behulp van samenvattingen, die gekoppeld zijn aan het ISBN-nummer van jouw (studie)boek, is relevanter dan ooit. Jouw medestudenten of (bijles)docenten delen hun kennis om jou te helpen in de voorbereiding op jouw examens. Zoek het ISBN-nummer van je studieboek en je weet zeker dat je de juiste samenvatting koopt. Zo kom je niet voor verrassingen te staan tijdens je tentamens.


Alle samenvattingen op Stuvia zijn geschreven door studenten die het examen al hebben gemaakt, docenten die de stof doceren of professionele uitgevers. Hierdoor kun jij er op vertrouwen dat je de lesstof makkelijker begrijpt én dat de samenvatting alle elementen bevat die worden getoetst in het examen. Zoek het boek dat je moet bestuderen op via het ISBN-nummer en kies de beste samenvatting van het studieboek.