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Samenvattingen Calculus (1e druk)

James Stewart - ISBN: 9781285741550

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Bekijk alle 14 samenvattingen van Calculus, geschreven door James Stewart. De samenvattingen van Calculus op Stuvia zijn geschreven door studenten of docenten, waardoor je de inhoud van het studieboek makkelijker en sneller begrijpt. Door de samenvatting te vinden die perfect bij jouw leerstijl past, wordt studeren een stuk eenvoudiger.

Meest verkochte samenvattingen voor Calculus

SOLUTIONS MANUAL for Calculus Early Transcendentals 8th Edition by Stewart – Includes. TEST BNK & Instructor Resources. All Chapters 1-17._Complete Download
1x  verkocht

SOLUTIONS MANUAL for Calculus Early Transcendentals 8th Edition by Stewart – Includes. TEST BNK & Instructor Resources. All Chapters 1-17._Complete Download

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door AcademiContent • 
  • geupload  02-02-2023
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UTD MATH 2414 Integral Calculus Class Notes

Integral calculus is a branch of calculus that deals with the concept of integration, which is a way to find the total area underneath a curve or the total volume enclosed by a three-dimensional shape. In contrast to differential calculus, which focuses on finding rates of change, integral calculus uses techniques such as integration by substitution and integration by parts to find the total values of quantities that are defined by equations or graphs. This branch of calculus is important in man...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 7 pagina's • 
  • door surajnamburi • 
  • geupload  15-12-2022
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UTD MATH 2414 Integral Calculus Notes

Integral calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of integrals, which are mathematical objects that can be thought of as the "areas" or "volumes" of certain functions or geometric figures. The fundamental concept of integral calculus is the integral, which is a mathematical operation that takes a function, called the integrand, and assigns to it a number, called the value of the integral, that encodes certain properties of the function. The process of evaluating an integra...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 8 pagina's • 
  • door surajnamburi • 
  • geupload  15-12-2022
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Heb jij documenten die matchen met dit boek? Verkoop het en verdien geld aan je kennis!

Nieuwste samenvattingen van Calculus

SOLUTIONS MANUAL for Calculus Early Transcendentals 8th Edition by Stewart – Includes. TEST BNK & Instructor Resources. All Chapters 1-17._Complete Download
1x  verkocht

SOLUTIONS MANUAL for Calculus Early Transcendentals 8th Edition by Stewart – Includes. TEST BNK & Instructor Resources. All Chapters 1-17._Complete Download

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door AcademiContent • 
  • geupload  02-02-2023
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UTD MATH 2414 Integral Calculus Class Notes

Integral calculus is a branch of calculus that deals with the concept of integration, which is a way to find the total area underneath a curve or the total volume enclosed by a three-dimensional shape. In contrast to differential calculus, which focuses on finding rates of change, integral calculus uses techniques such as integration by substitution and integration by parts to find the total values of quantities that are defined by equations or graphs. This branch of calculus is important in man...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 7 pagina's • 
  • door surajnamburi • 
  • geupload  15-12-2022
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UTD MATH 2414 Integral Calculus Notes

Integral calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of integrals, which are mathematical objects that can be thought of as the "areas" or "volumes" of certain functions or geometric figures. The fundamental concept of integral calculus is the integral, which is a mathematical operation that takes a function, called the integrand, and assigns to it a number, called the value of the integral, that encodes certain properties of the function. The process of evaluating an integra...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 10 pagina's • 
  • door surajnamburi • 
  • geupload  15-12-2022
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UTD MATH 2414 Integral Calculus Notes

Integral calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of integrals, which are mathematical objects that can be thought of as the "areas" or "volumes" of certain functions or geometric figures. The fundamental concept of integral calculus is the integral, which is a mathematical operation that takes a function, called the integrand, and assigns to it a number, called the value of the integral, that encodes certain properties of the function. The process of evaluating an integra...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 8 pagina's • 
  • door surajnamburi • 
  • geupload  15-12-2022
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Class notes MATH 129 (MATH129) Calculus

This document contains all the topics covered in Chapter 1 (except 1.5) with examples for each topic.

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 14 pagina's • 
  • door michael_harrel • 
  • geupload  04-09-2023
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Heb jij documenten die matchen met dit boek? Verkoop het en verdien geld aan je kennis!

Waarom studeren met boeksamenvattingen op Stuvia?


Relevantie, efficiëntie en gemak. Dat zijn belangrijke elementen tijdens het studeren of het voorbereiden voor een vak, examen of tentamen. Studeren met behulp van samenvattingen, die gekoppeld zijn aan het ISBN-nummer van jouw (studie)boek, is relevanter dan ooit. Jouw medestudenten of (bijles)docenten delen hun kennis om jou te helpen in de voorbereiding op jouw examens. Zoek het ISBN-nummer van je studieboek en je weet zeker dat je de juiste samenvatting koopt. Zo kom je niet voor verrassingen te staan tijdens je tentamens.


Alle samenvattingen op Stuvia zijn geschreven door studenten die het examen al hebben gemaakt, docenten die de stof doceren of professionele uitgevers. Hierdoor kun jij er op vertrouwen dat je de lesstof makkelijker begrijpt én dat de samenvatting alle elementen bevat die worden getoetst in het examen. Zoek het boek dat je moet bestuderen op via het ISBN-nummer en kies de beste samenvatting van het studieboek.