

Auf dieser Seite findest du alle Dokumente, Pakete-Deals und Übungsfragen, die der Verkäufer history456 anbietet.


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1 Deine Reviews

12 Sachen

3 full marks A level History Russia in revolution 1894-1924 section A and B. A* essays marked by head of history department teacher.

15,19 €
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Full mark A* essays: 1. On the weaknesses and mistakes of their opponents, rather than Red strengths, which caused victory for the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War 2. On: how far was the Provisional Government responsible for its own downfall? 3. Source question on: investigating the political tensions that existed in Russia in 1906?

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  • Paket-deal
  •  • 3 Sachen • 
  • von history456 • 
  • hochgeladen  18-05-2022
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To what extent was republican rule (1649-60) different from the personal rule of Charles I (1629-40)? A* marked by A level History teacher

6,68 €
1x  verkauft

A* essay for the Britain 1625-1701 module of a level edexcel history comparing the personal rule and republican rule

i x
  • Prüfung
  •  • 4 Seiten • 
  • von history456 • 
  • hochgeladen  18-05-2022
i x

With regards to purpose and function, how effective are archaic kouroi and korai? (20)

5,46 €
0x  verkauft

A* full marks essay on archaic kouroi and korai including their purpose and function

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  • Prüfung
  •  • 2 Seiten • 
  • von history456 • 
  • hochgeladen  18-05-2022
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