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CCI /CCI CCT/CCI - RVS /CCI CRAT Exam Package Deal Full Solutions Pack 32,93 €   In den Einkaufswagen


CCI /CCI CCT/CCI - RVS /CCI CRAT Exam Package Deal Full Solutions Pack

CCI Practice Exam Latest Updated with Complete Solutions CCI CCT (Actual) Exam Graded A+ CCI Comprehensive Practice Exam 2022/23 Graded A+ CCI Echocardiography Practice Questions and Answers 100% CCI - RVS Exam Prep with Complete Solutions CRAT - CCI (Fall 2021) Solved 100% Correct CCI CRAT Exam Pr...

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11 Sachen

CCI Practice Exam Latest Updated with Complete Solutions


At what time during fetal growth is the heart first fully developed? - ANSWER-40 Days Which of the following L-R shunts is the last to close in the normal post partum period? When does it close? - ANSWER-Patent Foramen Ovale closing at the end of the first week During the resting state, whic...

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CCI CCT (Actual) Exam Graded A+


Coronary artery that gives rise to the Circumflex Branch - ANSWER-left coronary artery (LCA) Formula for Aortic Pulse Pressure - ANSWER-Pulse Pressure Systolic - Pulse Pressure Diastolic cardiac output - ANSWER-Heart rate (x) stroke volume = _____? structures that connect the atrioventricul...

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When attempting to diagnose a patient with pericarditis, which of the following interventions could be helpful? A. Surgery B. Ultrasound of the liver C. Reported symptoms D. CT of the brain - ANSWER-C. Reported symptoms Which of the following is the normal upper diameter limit of the pulmon...

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CCI Comprehensive Practice Exam 2022/23 Graded A+


A Doppler finding in patients with patent ductus arteriosus would be: - ANSWER-Diastolic left to right flow in the pulmonary artery Which medium interface would you expect the strongest (brightest) echoes to occur? - ANSWER-Air/Skin A congenital malformation where the septal leaflet of the tri...

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CCI Echocardiography Practice Questions and Answers 100%


Which Aortic leaflet is the superior one in the PSLA - ANSWER-Right Leaflet Name the tricuspid leaflets - ANSWER-Posterior and Anterior The coronary arteries come off of the.. - ANSWER-Sinus of Valsalva Name the vessels coming off the arch and the most proximal or distal. - ANSWER-Innominat...

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CCI CCT Exam Study Guide with Complete Solutions


epicardium - ANSWER-outer protective layer of the heart. Made of loose connective tissue including elastic fibers. Myocardium - ANSWER-muscular, middle layer of the heart, forms a thick middle layer between the outer layer of the heart wall. endocardium - ANSWER-Inner most layer of the hear...

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CCI - RVS Exam Prep with Complete Solutions


The common carotid divides into its external and internal branches usually at the level of the upper border of the: a) hyoid b) cricoid c) thyroid cartilage d) cricothyroid membrane e) carina - ANSWER-c) thyroid cartilage The prominence of the larynx is formed by the: a) hyoid bone b) thyr...

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CRAT - CCI (Fall 2021) Solved 100% Correct


potassium and calcium - ANSWER-the two electrolytes needed in order for the heart to function normally acute myocardial infarction - ANSWER-PACs are rarely dangerous, but in a patient with this condition, it can serve as an early sign or heart failure or electrolyte imbalance. downward - ANSWE...

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CCI CRAT Exam Practice Test 2 with Complete Solutions


When the technician is performing a 12 lead EKG, how many electrodes are used to record the 12 views of the heart? - ANSWER-10 When the technician is performing a 12 lead EKG, there would be 10 electrodes used to record the 12 leads or views of the heart. Twelve leads doesn't necessarily mean 12...

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CCI First Edition CNOR Exam Prep Chapters 1-9 Questions and Answers 100% Correct


1. Which patient population is more sensitive to dosage errors? A. Male patients ages 25-40 B. Bariatric patients C. A patient with a history of polypharmacy D. Pediatric patients - ANSWER-D. Pediatric patients Rationale: Pediatric patients are at higher risk of medication errors related to d...

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CRAT Practice Test Questions and 100% Answers 2023


A nursing home calls a cardiology office requesting that a transtelephonic pacemaker check be conducted on a new admission to the facility. The technician finds no medical record indicating that the patient has been followed by the practice. What is the technician's next step? - ANSWER-Contact the ...

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