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Introduction to International Relations 7e Zusammenfassungen

Richard Jackson, Georg Sorensen - ISBN: 9780198803577

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Alle 14 Zusammenfassungen für Introduction to International Relations 7e anzeigen, verfasst von Richard Jackson, Georg Sorensen. Alle Introduction to International Relations 7e Zusammenfassungen, Mitschriften, Karteikarten, Lernzettel und weiteres Lernmaterial werden von Kommilitonen oder Tutoren verfasst, um dir das Verständnis des Lehrbuchinhalts zu erleichtern. Wenn du die Zusammenfassung findest, die perfekt zu deinem Lernstil passt, wird das Lernen zum Kinderspiel.

Bestseller Introduction to International Relations 7e Zusammenfassungen

Liberalism, Realism and Constructivism: The three classical theories in International Relations
4,48 €
1x  verkauft

These notes are based on the work of chapters from "Introduction to International Relations” (2019) and deals with the three major theories in international relations, accounting for all three in great detail.  

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 29 Seiten • 
  • von embbloch • 
  • hochgeladen  21-05-2019
i x

Haben Sie Dokumente, die zu diesem Buch passen? Verkaufe sie und verdiene Geld mit deinem Wissen!

Neueste Introduction to International Relations 7e Zusammenfassungen

International Relations (First Year Political Science) Partial Exam 1
14,14 €
41x  verkauft

It contains all the notes from the lectures, plus the information from slides, and notes from all the readings (J,S&M book, Holman book, and articles) for the first exam in International Relations 2019

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Study guide
  •  • 63 Seiten • 
  • von zugravuanca • 
  • hochgeladen  22-04-2019
i x
International Relations Readings Summary Part 1
4,99 €
35x  verkauft

This document contains an extensive summary of the readings for the first part of the course International Relations. It has a summary of the chapters of several books as well as a summary of the articles. Good luck with studying you smart human!

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 23 Seiten • 
  • von bentelodeweges • 
  • hochgeladen  14-04-2019
i x
5,49 €
2x  verkauft

This is a very good and short summary of all the readings we have had for international relations. At the start, you can find the Jackson book and at the end the Holman one. In the middle, there are all the articles. There are also small tables to understand the main school of thoughts better.

i Siehe weitere Informationen x
  • Zusammenfassung
  •  • 22 Seiten • 
  • von michelagrasso • 
  • hochgeladen  23-04-2019
i x

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Zusammenfassung Introduction to International Relations 7e

Offering unrivalled coverage of classical theories, contemporary approaches, and current issues, together with an exceptionally clear writing style, Introduction to International Relations provides a genuinely accessible and engaging introduction to the subject. With an emphasis on theoretical approaches and their application to the real world, the authors encourage readers to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments presented, and the major points of contention between them. In this way, the text helps the reader to build a clear understanding of how key debates in the discipline are connected with each other and with our perceptions of developments in the contemporary world. In addition to helpful learning features within the book, the text is accompanied by online resources designed to help students to take their learning further. These include: For students: - Reinforce your understanding of each chapter's key themes with short case studies - Test your understanding and revise for exams with review questions - Explore different theoretical debates through a series of annotated web links to reliable content - Test your knowledge of key terminology using the flashcard glossary For registered lecturers: - Encourage debate and critical thinking in class with seminar resources - Download figures from the text for use in your own teaching materials