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Bestseller Data Visualization Zusammenfassungen

Working_with_Models_VisualAnalytics_Week9_NEC_Solved  Working_with_Models_VisualAnalytics_Week9_NEC_Solved  Beliebt
  • Working_with_Models_VisualAnalytics_Week9_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 8 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. Using the gapminder data, create a plot comparing log(gdp PerCa with Life Exp and show three different smoothers in three different colors with a legend showing each smoother type. 2. In a paragraph compare and contrast the smoother types. LOESS, Cubic Spline, and OLS 3. Look at the gapminder data with str() 4. Create a linear model of the gapminder data with life expectancy as the target of a multifactor model built from gdpPercap, pop, and continent. Store it in a variable called ...
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Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved Beliebt
  • Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 11 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. pipe the election data through the select() function to pick out the following columns - state, total_vote, r_points, pct_trump, party, census. Pipe that through sample() to see the first five rows. 2. Create a state level dotplot of election data except the District of Columbia faceted by region. Colorize the dots by party and insert a vertical line dividing the parties, scale the x axis from -30 to +40, put the states on the y axis and label each facet by region and the entire set by "Po...
  • 9,99 €
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Plotting_Text_VisualAnalytics_Week7_NEC_Solved Plotting_Text_VisualAnalytics_Week7_NEC_Solved Beliebt
  • Plotting_Text_VisualAnalytics_Week7_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 10 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. produce a scatterplot of the by_country data with the points colored by consent_law 2. Using facet_wrap() split the consent_law variable into two panels and rank the countries by donation rate within the panels 3. Use geom_pointrange() to create a dot and whisker plot showing the mean of donors and a confidence interval. 4. Create a scatterplot of roads_mean v. donors_mean with the labels identifying the country sitting to the right or left of the point 5. load the ggrepel() library 6. ...
  • 9,99 €
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Schreibst du auch selbst Zusammenfassungen? Dann biete sie zum Verkauf an und verdiene jedes Mal, wenn dein Dokument gekauft wird.

Refining_your_Graphs_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved Refining_your_Graphs_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved
  • Refining_your_Graphs_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 6 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. look at the first six rows of the asasec dataset 2. plot members v revenue for 2014 in a scatterplot with a confidence interval 3. switch from loess to ols and add the Journal variable 4. show the first six rows of studebt 5. create a faceted comparison of the two distributions - percent of all borrowers and Percent of all balances to show how student loan debt is distributed. 6. Compare this pair of graphs to the pie charts in figure 8.24 Which visualization do you find it easier to ma...
  • 9,99 €
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Using_our_Tools_VisualAnalytics_Week8_NEC_Solved Using_our_Tools_VisualAnalytics_Week8_NEC_Solved
  • Using_our_Tools_VisualAnalytics_Week8_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 10 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. Return to the visualization for Presidential Elections: Popular and Electoral College margins, subset by party, and use that to add color to your points. 2. Recreate figures 5.28 using functions from the dplyr library. 3. Using gss_sm data, calculate the mean and median number of children by degree 4. Using gapminder data, create a boxplot of life expectancy over time 5. Using gapminder data, create a violin plot of population over time
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Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week13_NEC_Solved Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week13_NEC_Solved
  • Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week13_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 11 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. pipe the election data through the select() function to pick out the following columns - state, total_vote, r_points, pct_trump, party, census. Pipe that through sample() to see the first five rows. 2. Create a state level dotplot of election data except the District of Columbia faceted by region. Colorize the dots by party and insert a vertical line dividing the parties, scale the x axis from -30 to +40, put the states on the y axis and label each facet by region and the entire set by ...
  • 9,99 €
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Grouped_Analysis_and_List_Columns_VisualAnalytics_Week11_NEC_Solved Grouped_Analysis_and_List_Columns_VisualAnalytics_Week11_NEC_Solved
  • Grouped_Analysis_and_List_Columns_VisualAnalytics_Week11_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 7 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. Take a slice of the gapminder data showing only 1977 2. create a linear model of with lifeexp being the target of the log of gdpPercap. Save it in a variable called fit and show the summary. 3. Group the entire data set by continent and year, pipe it through the nest() function and store it in a variable called out_le. 4. The result will be a tibble of columns of data and columns of tibbles called list columns with data in them. 5. Use the filter() and unnest() functions to see Europe 1...
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Plotting_Marginal_Effects_VisualAnalytics_Week12_NEC_Solved Plotting_Marginal_Effects_VisualAnalytics_Week12_NEC_Solved
  • Plotting_Marginal_Effects_VisualAnalytics_Week12_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 7 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. load the margins library 2. create a new column called called polviews_m to use Moderate as a reference category using relevel on the polviews column of the gss_sm data. 3. use glm() to create a model called out_bo using logistic regression of polviews_m with sex and race showing an interaction glm(obama~ polviews_m + sex*race, family = "binomial", data = gss_sm). 4. use summary() on out_bo to see what the results look like 5. calculate the marginal effects of each variable and sto...
  • 9,99 €
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The_broom_Package_VisualAnalytics_Week10_NEC_Solved The_broom_Package_VisualAnalytics_Week10_NEC_Solved
  • The_broom_Package_VisualAnalytics_Week10_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 9 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. load the broom library 2. use tidy() on the out dataframe to produce a new dataframe of component level information. Store the result in out_comp. 3. round all the columns to two decimal places using round_df(). 4. Produce a flipped scatter plot of Term v. Estimate 5. Produce a new tidy output of out including confidence intervals. Store it in a variable called out_conf after rounding the dataframe to two decimals. 6. Remove the intercept column and the term continent from the label and ...
  • 9,99 €
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Building_Layered_Visualizations_VisualAnalytics_Week6_NEC_Solved Building_Layered_Visualizations_VisualAnalytics_Week6_NEC_Solved
  • Building_Layered_Visualizations_VisualAnalytics_Week6_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 16 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
  • 1. get the structure of the gss_sm dataframe. What is the data type of race, sex, region and income? What do the levels refer to? 2. create a graph that shows a count of religious preferences grouped by region 3. turn the region counts in percentages 4. use dodge2() to put the religious affiliations side by side within regions 5. show the religious preferences by region, faceted version with the coordinate system swapped 6. using pipes show a 10 random instances of the first six columns in...
  • 9,99 €
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Neueste Data Visualization Zusammenfassungen

Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved Neu
  • Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 11 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. pipe the election data through the select() function to pick out the following columns - state, total_vote, r_points, pct_trump, party, census. Pipe that through sample() to see the first five rows. 2. Create a state level dotplot of election data except the District of Columbia faceted by region. Colorize the dots by party and insert a vertical line dividing the parties, scale the x axis from -30 to +40, put the states on the y axis and label each facet by region and the entire set by "Po...
  • 9,99 €
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Working_with_Models_VisualAnalytics_Week9_NEC_Solved  Working_with_Models_VisualAnalytics_Week9_NEC_Solved  Neu
  • Working_with_Models_VisualAnalytics_Week9_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 8 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. Using the gapminder data, create a plot comparing log(gdp PerCa with Life Exp and show three different smoothers in three different colors with a legend showing each smoother type. 2. In a paragraph compare and contrast the smoother types. LOESS, Cubic Spline, and OLS 3. Look at the gapminder data with str() 4. Create a linear model of the gapminder data with life expectancy as the target of a multifactor model built from gdpPercap, pop, and continent. Store it in a variable called ...
  • 9,99 €
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Plotting_Text_VisualAnalytics_Week7_NEC_Solved Plotting_Text_VisualAnalytics_Week7_NEC_Solved Neu
  • Plotting_Text_VisualAnalytics_Week7_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 10 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. produce a scatterplot of the by_country data with the points colored by consent_law 2. Using facet_wrap() split the consent_law variable into two panels and rank the countries by donation rate within the panels 3. Use geom_pointrange() to create a dot and whisker plot showing the mean of donors and a confidence interval. 4. Create a scatterplot of roads_mean v. donors_mean with the labels identifying the country sitting to the right or left of the point 5. load the ggrepel() library 6. ...
  • 9,99 €
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Schreibst du auch selbst Zusammenfassungen? Dann biete sie zum Verkauf an und verdiene jedes Mal, wenn dein Dokument gekauft wird.

Using_our_Tools_VisualAnalytics_Week8_NEC_Solved Using_our_Tools_VisualAnalytics_Week8_NEC_Solved
  • Using_our_Tools_VisualAnalytics_Week8_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 10 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. Return to the visualization for Presidential Elections: Popular and Electoral College margins, subset by party, and use that to add color to your points. 2. Recreate figures 5.28 using functions from the dplyr library. 3. Using gss_sm data, calculate the mean and median number of children by degree 4. Using gapminder data, create a boxplot of life expectancy over time 5. Using gapminder data, create a violin plot of population over time
  • 9,99 €
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The_broom_Package_VisualAnalytics_Week10_NEC_Solved The_broom_Package_VisualAnalytics_Week10_NEC_Solved
  • The_broom_Package_VisualAnalytics_Week10_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 9 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. load the broom library 2. use tidy() on the out dataframe to produce a new dataframe of component level information. Store the result in out_comp. 3. round all the columns to two decimal places using round_df(). 4. Produce a flipped scatter plot of Term v. Estimate 5. Produce a new tidy output of out including confidence intervals. Store it in a variable called out_conf after rounding the dataframe to two decimals. 6. Remove the intercept column and the term continent from the label and ...
  • 9,99 €
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Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week13_NEC_Solved Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week13_NEC_Solved
  • Drawing_Maps_VisualAnalytics_Week13_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 11 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. pipe the election data through the select() function to pick out the following columns - state, total_vote, r_points, pct_trump, party, census. Pipe that through sample() to see the first five rows. 2. Create a state level dotplot of election data except the District of Columbia faceted by region. Colorize the dots by party and insert a vertical line dividing the parties, scale the x axis from -30 to +40, put the states on the y axis and label each facet by region and the entire set by ...
  • 9,99 €
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Refining_your_Graphs_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved Refining_your_Graphs_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved
  • Refining_your_Graphs_VisualAnalytics_Week14_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 6 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. look at the first six rows of the asasec dataset 2. plot members v revenue for 2014 in a scatterplot with a confidence interval 3. switch from loess to ols and add the Journal variable 4. show the first six rows of studebt 5. create a faceted comparison of the two distributions - percent of all borrowers and Percent of all balances to show how student loan debt is distributed. 6. Compare this pair of graphs to the pie charts in figure 8.24 Which visualization do you find it easier to ma...
  • 9,99 €
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Plotting_Marginal_Effects_VisualAnalytics_Week12_NEC_Solved Plotting_Marginal_Effects_VisualAnalytics_Week12_NEC_Solved
  • Plotting_Marginal_Effects_VisualAnalytics_Week12_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 7 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. load the margins library 2. create a new column called called polviews_m to use Moderate as a reference category using relevel on the polviews column of the gss_sm data. 3. use glm() to create a model called out_bo using logistic regression of polviews_m with sex and race showing an interaction glm(obama~ polviews_m + sex*race, family = "binomial", data = gss_sm). 4. use summary() on out_bo to see what the results look like 5. calculate the marginal effects of each variable and sto...
  • 9,99 €
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Grouped_Analysis_and_List_Columns_VisualAnalytics_Week11_NEC_Solved Grouped_Analysis_and_List_Columns_VisualAnalytics_Week11_NEC_Solved
  • Grouped_Analysis_and_List_Columns_VisualAnalytics_Week11_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 7 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. Take a slice of the gapminder data showing only 1977 2. create a linear model of with lifeexp being the target of the log of gdpPercap. Save it in a variable called fit and show the summary. 3. Group the entire data set by continent and year, pipe it through the nest() function and store it in a variable called out_le. 4. The result will be a tibble of columns of data and columns of tibbles called list columns with data in them. 5. Use the filter() and unnest() functions to see Europe 1...
  • 9,99 €
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Plotting_Visual_Analytics_Week4_NEC_Solved Plotting_Visual_Analytics_Week4_NEC_Solved
  • Plotting_Visual_Analytics_Week4_NEC_Solved

  • Prüfung • 19 Seiten • 2023 Neu
  • 1. Show meta data from the mpg dataframe using summary(). 2. Show metadata from the gapminder dataframe 3. assign ggplot(data = gapminder, mapping = aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp) to the variable 'p' 4. find the structure of the p object. 5. add () to the p object. Show p. 6. replace () with h(). Show p. 7. return to and add h(). Show p. 8. add the linear element to the h function. Show p. 9. change the x axis scare to log10. Show p. 10. try scale_y_log10(). Show p. 11. change the...
  • 9,99 €
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