Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Latest uploads at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA). Looking for notes at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
Majors at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Notes available for the following studies at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Algemene Microbiologie 1
Architectuur 337
Bachelor Biochemie 5
Bachelor In Communicatiewetenschappen 180
Bachelor in de Diergeneeskunde 447
Bachelor in de fysica 5
Bachelor in de Rechten 224
Bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde 6
Bedrijfskunde 8
Beleidsinformatica 1
Bio Ingenieurswetenschappen 24
Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen 33
Biochemie 15
Biochemie en biotechnologie 111
Biologie 85
Biomedische wetenschappen 1799
Business 1
Business Economics 1
Chemie 3
CommunicatieWetenschappen 175
Communicatiewetenschappen 119
Conservatie - restauratie 2
Conservatie-restauratie 10
Consumer Behavior 1
Cultuur management 2
Cultuurmanagement 1
Data science ethics 1
Diergeneeskunde 562
Digital Business Engineering 6
Digital Strategy & Governance 1
Economic Policy 1
Educatieve Master 14
Entrepreneurial finance 1
Erfgoedstudies 1
Ethical and sustainable business 1
Faculteit bedrijfswetenschappen en economie 27
Farmaceutische wetenschappen 433
Filmstudies En Visuele Cultuur 11
Financial Management 1
Financieel management 1
Financiële verslaggeving 1
Frans-TFL 3
Geneeskunde 1050
Gerechtelijk recht 1
Geschiedenis 62
Handelsingenieur 228
Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica 119
Handelsingenieur, TEW En SEW 78
Hedendaagse Sociologische Theorie 1
Industrieel Ingenieur - Elektronica ICT 10
Industrieel Ingenieur Bouwkunde 7
Industrieel Ingenieur Elektromechanica 5
Industriele Wetenschappen Chemie 16
Industriële Wetenschappen: Bouwkunde 2
Informatica 4
Interieurarchitectuur 324
Interieurarchitectuur en Architectuur 10
Internationaal Privaatrecht 1
Internationale Betrekkingen 1
Internationale Betrekkingen & Diplomatie 3
Internationale Betrekkingen En Diplomatie 66
Internationale Betrekkingen En Diplomatie / Rechten 4
Kinesitherapie 1
Kinesitherapie en revalidatiewetenschappen 1683
Kinestitherapie en revalidatiewetenschappen 10
Korfvak 1
Korfvakken 6
Kwantitatieve onderzoeksmethoden 1
Leadership Development 1
Letteren en wijsbegeerte 3
Machine learning 3
Management en organisatie 5
Manuele therapie 1
Maritiem en Logistiek Management 2
Master Cultuurmanagement 2
Master Filmstudies en Visuele Cultuur 3
Master in communicatiewetenschappen 17
Master in de milieuwetenschappen 29
Master In De Rechten 15
Master in Digital Business Engineering 4
Master Internationale Betrekkingen En Diplomatie 13
Master maritiem en logistiek management 26
Master Meertalige Professionele Communicatie 49
Master Milieuwetenschappen 1
Master opleidings- en onderwijswetenschappen 26
Master Organisatie 3
Master Organisatie En Management 42
Master Sociaal Werk 3
Master Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Planning 10
Master Taal- en Letterkunde NL 3
Master verpleeg- en vroedkunde 10
Master verpleegkunde- en vroedkunde 1
Master Vertalen 12
Medische biochemie 1
Meertalige professionele communicatie 40
Meertaligheid meerstemmigheid 1
Methoden Communicatieonderzoek 1
Methods of Communication Research 1
Milieuwetenschap 17
Milieuwetenschappen 34
MNM International Relations and Diplomacy 13
Neurosciences 6
Onderwijs - en opleidingswetenschappen 3
Onderwijs- en opleidingswetenschappen 1
Onderwijs-en opleidingswetenschappen 1
Onderwijswetenschappen 1
Ontwerpwetenschappen 1
Operations Management 1
Opleiding- en onderwijswetenschappen 2
Opleidings- en onderwijswetenschappen 77
Opleidings-en onderwijswetenschappen 1
Organisatie en Management 28
Political Science 6
Politicologie 3
Politieke communicatie 5
Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen 16
Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen, Sociologie, Communicatiewetenschappen 19
Politieke Wetenschappen 90
Postgraduaat Manuele Therapie 9
Product innovation in marketing 2
Productontwikkeling 76
Psychologie 1
Rechten 537
Rechtssociologie 1
ReVaKi 6
Revalidatiewetenschappen En Kinesitherapie 1
Ruimtelijke Planning 1
Schakeljaar internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie 6
Schakeljaar Maritiem en Logistiek Management 2
Schakeljaar milieuwetenschappen 53
Schakeljaar Opleidings- en onderwijswetenschappen 42
Schakeljaar or 1
Schakeljaar Organisatie En Management 50
Schakeljaar sociaal werk 14
Schakeljaar Veiligheidswetenschappen 1
Schakelprogramma internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie 5
Schakelprogramma IW: Biochemie 1
Schakelprogramma maritiem en logistiek management 1
Schakelprogramma Milieuwetenschappen 4
Schakelprogramma MOM 5
Schakelprogramma MPC 8
Schakelprogramma Rechten 12
Schakelprogramma Sociaal Werk 2
Schakelprogramma Sociologie - Sociaal Werk 5
Schakelprogramma TEW 9
SEW 30
SEW & Sociologie 28
Sociaal - economische wetenschappen 199
Sociaal economische wetenschappen 2
Sociaal Werk 14
Sociaal-Economische wetenschappen/TEW/Sociologie/Communicatiewetenschappen 8
Social Economic Sciences 4
Social-economic sciences 1
Sociologie 230
Sociologie En Sociaal Werk 3
Stedenbouw 10
Stedenbouw & ruimtelijke planning 6
Stedenbouw en ruimtelijke planning 4
Stedenbouwkunde en ruimtelijke planning 1
Strategische Communicatie 9
Taal en Letterkunde 69
Taal en Letterkunde: TFL 1
Taal- en letterkunde Nederlands 1
Taal- En Letterkunde: Engels - TFL 1
Taal- en Letterkunde: Engels TFL 1
Taal- En Letterkunde: Nederlands - TFL 16
Taal- en Letterkunde: Spaans - TFL 2
Taal- en Letterkunde: Spaans TFL 1
TEW 105
TEW , Handelsingenieur 46
TEW Bedrijfskunde 222
TEW Bedrijfskunde, SEW en HI 14
TEW/SEW/HI/Sociologie/Communicatiewetenschappen 5
Theater, Film en Literatuur 7
Toege 1
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen 176
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, Sociaal Economische Wetenschappen, Handelsingenieur 19
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Bedrijfskunde 212
Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Economisch Beleid 5
Toegepaste Taalkunde 287
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Duits Frans 7
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Engels Chinees 16
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Engels Frans 4
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Engels Italiaans 2
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Engels Spaans 19
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Frans Italiaans 2
Toegepaste Taalkunde: Frans Spaans 10
Universiteit Antwerpen 6
Veiligheidswetenschappen 3
Virology 1
Wijsbegeerte 5
Popular books Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
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David Besanko, Ronald Braeutigam • ISBN 9781119666134
Olivier Blanchard, Olivier Jean Blanchard • ISBN 9781292360898
Bob De Wit, Bob De Wit • ISBN 9781473725188
Richard Drake, A. Wayne Vogl • ISBN 9780323393041
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Alemany, Luisa, Andreoli, Job • ISBN 9781108431859
Frank Hendrickx • ISBN 9789048641239
Patrick Loobuyck • ISBN 9789024449774
Carolyn Declerck, Annelies Haaren • ISBN 9789463797702
Lou van Beirendonck, Nele Cannaerts • ISBN 9789463446778
Henry Mintzberg • ISBN 9789043040808
Marc de Ceuster • ISBN 9789463371827
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Summary of the MICRO full part 
!!!! (best buy in combination, all types of microscopes look nice together there in one document)!!!! So they are not in this document!! 
That's why it's only 2.5€
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Biomedical Imaging
Samenvatting biomedical imaging 1080FBDBMW• By SienKeersmaekers01
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
Summary of the MICRO full part 
!!!! (best buy in combination, all types of microscopes look nice together there in one document)!!!! So they are not in this document!! 
That's why it's only 2.5€
Summary of the MACRO full part
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Biomedical Imaging
Samenvatting biomedical imaging 1080FBDBMW• By SienKeersmaekers01
Preview 3 out of 12 pages
Summary of the MACRO full part
Document containing ALL microscopes in the MICRO section 

- Package deal
- Summary
- • 11 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Biomedical Imaging
Samenvatting biomedical imaging 1080FBDBMW• By SienKeersmaekers01
Preview 2 out of 11 pages
Document containing ALL microscopes in the MICRO section 

This document is a complete summary of all lessons based on the slides used during the lectures and lesson notes. All the important charts that were covered during the lessons are explained. At the end of each chapter, there is an overview of the in-depth questions with a brief explanation of the mandatory texts. Very complete! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message! 
Good luck!
- Class notes
- • 90 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Work
Preview 4 out of 90 pages
This document is a complete summary of all lessons based on the slides used during the lectures and lesson notes. All the important charts that were covered during the lessons are explained. At the end of each chapter, there is an overview of the in-depth questions with a brief explanation of the mandatory texts. Very complete! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message! 
Good luck!
Digital organization summary prof. Alexander Naessens (TEW 3e BA). First session 14/20. It is a complete summary of the 10 chapters excluding the guest lectures because the subject matter is simply repeated there by a guest speaker. Includes images/charts. Follows the structure of the powerpoint presentations. Don't waste time in long summaries that contain the same information...
- Book
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Digital organisation
Management Information System • Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon• ISBN 9781292094007
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
Digital organization summary prof. Alexander Naessens (TEW 3e BA). First session 14/20. It is a complete summary of the 10 chapters excluding the guest lectures because the subject matter is simply repeated there by a guest speaker. Includes images/charts. Follows the structure of the powerpoint presentations. Don't waste time in long summaries that contain the same information...
The teacher uses exactly the same exam questions every year, and I've collected these questions complete with the correct answers. This means that you can practice exactly what is asked during the exam. With these questions and answers, you have a huge advantage and you can optimally prepare yourself to take the exam successfully!
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Banking
Banking samenvatting + exam questions• By Stijn2001
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
The teacher uses exactly the same exam questions every year, and I've collected these questions complete with the correct answers. This means that you can practice exactly what is asked during the exam. With these questions and answers, you have a huge advantage and you can optimally prepare yourself to take the exam successfully!
The teacher uses the same exam every year, so I collected the exact questions and answers. In addition, my summary contains all the important information necessary to prepare for the exam, carefully structured and fully developed. This gives you everything you need to be successful!
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Banking
Banking samenvatting + exam questions• By Stijn2001
Preview 6 out of 26 pages
The teacher uses the same exam every year, so I collected the exact questions and answers. In addition, my summary contains all the important information necessary to prepare for the exam, carefully structured and fully developed. This gives you everything you need to be successful!
Here are all the sample exam questions that were mentioned during the Strategic Management lessons. The questions have been answered and neatly divided by theme. In addition, we also added the extra questions (additional questions), if you want to go for that high grade (I had a 16/20). Good luck with the preparation! :) 
Here you'll find all the sample exam questions mentioned during the Strategic Management lectures. The questions are answered and neatly organized by theme. We've also ...
- Other
- • 47 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Strategic management
Preview 4 out of 47 pages
Here are all the sample exam questions that were mentioned during the Strategic Management lessons. The questions have been answered and neatly divided by theme. In addition, we also added the extra questions (additional questions), if you want to go for that high grade (I had a 16/20). Good luck with the preparation! :) 
Here you'll find all the sample exam questions mentioned during the Strategic Management lectures. The questions are answered and neatly organized by theme. We've also ...
Summary of the year 2024-25! Good luck:)
- Summary
- • 71 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Environmental Health
Preview 4 out of 71 pages
Summary of the year 2024-25! Good luck:)
International Economics & International Economic Organizations Summary | Master International Relations & Diplomacy | Academic Year 2024/2025
- Summary
- • 64 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•International Economics
Preview 4 out of 64 pages
International Economics & International Economic Organizations Summary | Master International Relations & Diplomacy | Academic Year 2024/2025