Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)
Latest uploads at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE). Looking for notes at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
Majors at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)
Notes available for the following studies at Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)
A 1
Accountancy - Fiscaliteit 120
Accountancy Fiscaliteit 39
Accounting 1
Anatomie 1
Audiologie 14
Bachelor Bedrijfsmanagement 395
Bachelor Ergotherapie 238
Bachelor in de vroedkunde 246
Bachelor in het Lager Onderwijs 261
Bachelor in het secundair onderwijs 83
Bachelor Logopedie 85
Bachelor Organisatie En Management 26
Bachelor Organisatie En Management HR 16
Bachelor Organisatie en Management-HR 35
Bachelor toegepaste psychologie 13
Bachelor Verpleegkunde 855
Bedrijfsmanagement 543
Bedrijfsmanagement: Financie En Verzekeringswezen 5
Bedrijfsmanagement: Financie- en Verzekeringswezen 6
Bedrijfsmanagement: KMO 1
Bedrijfsmanagement: marketing 121
Bedrijfsmanagement: Rechtspraktijk 39
Bedrijfsmanagement: Supply Chain Management 2
Bestuursrecht 1
Business & Languages 2
Communicatiemanagement 388
Communication professionnelle PME 3 1
Consumentenpsychologie 1
Economie voor de creatieve industrie 1
Educatieve bachelor secundair onderwijs 3
Ergotherapie 27
Event - & projectmanagement 122
Event & project management 5
Event & projectmanagement 92
Financial Management 1
Financiën en verzekeringen 85
Graduaat Maatschappelijk Werk 4
Graduaat Accounting Administration 1
Graduaat maatschappelijk werk 12
Graduaat marketing & communicatiesupport 3
Graduaat Orthopedagogie 229
Grafische en digitale media 166
Human Resources Management 13
Internationaal Ondernemen 72
International business management 182
International communication management 6
International organisation and management 1
International organisation and management 1
Journalistiek 67
Kijken naar kinderen B: in dialoog met kinderen 1
Kleuteronderwijs 117
KMO-management 156
Leerkracht lager onderwijs 324
Lerarenopleiding 3
Lerarenopleiding 1e Graad Lichamelijke Oefening 1
Lerarenopleiding Engels-Frans 1
Lerarenopleiding Lager Onderwijs 145
Lerarenopleiding secundair Onderwijs 108
Levensbeschouwelijke vorming 1: RKG 2
Lichamelijke Opvoeding 6
Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingsrecreatie 26
Logistiek Management 3
Logopedie 67
Maatschappelijk werk 5
Maatschappelijk werk - VSPW 19
Maatschappelijk werk VSPW 35
Marketing 20
Mondzorg 272
Officemanagement 32
Orthopedagogie 135
Pedagigie van het jonge kind 2
Pedagogie van het Jonge kind 131
Podologie 160
Psychologie 3
Rechtspraktijk 100
Secundair Onderwijs 4
Soci 1
Sociaal 1
Sociaal cultureel werk 2
Sociaal Werk 369
Sociaal Werk - HRM 2
Sociologie 1
Supply Chain Management 21
Toegepaste biomechanica 1
Toegepaste psychologie 83
Verkorte Educatieve Bachelor 1
Verkorte educatieve bachelor secundair onderwijs 4
Verpleegkunde 122
Voeding-verzorging 1
Popular books Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)

Philip Kotler, G. Armstrong • ISBN 9789043036528

StudentsOnly, Philip Lewis • ISBN 9789043036450

Leen Carrijn • ISBN 9789463937115

Sophia Pasbecq • ISBN 9789463934640

Liesbet de Vuyst, Danielle de Smet • ISBN 9789401464208

Erik de Lembre, Renate Caen • ISBN 9789400007123

Henk Sap • ISBN 9789464148671

Carlos Nunez, Raya Nunez-Mahdi • ISBN 9789023255536

Stephan Boulez, Kris Hulsen • ISBN 9789463448154

Ivan De Cnuydt • ISBN 9789401486323

Veronique Vanderhoydonks, Koen Wilna • ISBN 9789463936613

Jef Clement • ISBN 9789401429306

Wenzel Tijs, Anne-Lies Verdoodt • ISBN 9789045546384
Latest notes & summaries Arteveldehogeschool (ARTEVELDE)

Vocabulary-/ grammar list/ Business English 1 (2024-25 S1)/Ms Leen De Boom/ comprehensive document of chapter 1,2,4,6 most important things/ English & Dutch explanation, translation
- Book
- Summary
- • 5 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Business English 1
Business Partner - Business Partner B1+ ebook Online Access Code • Pearson Education• ISBN 9781292276496
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
Vocabulary-/ grammar list/ Business English 1 (2024-25 S1)/Ms Leen De Boom/ comprehensive document of chapter 1,2,4,6 most important things/ English & Dutch explanation, translation

Summary and lesson notes, Business English 1/2024 — 2025/S1/ Ms Leen De Boom, Dutch translation is included
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Business English 1
Business Partner - Business Partner B1+ ebook Online Access Code • Pearson Education• ISBN 9781292276496
Samenvatting + vocabulary-list/ Business English 1 / 2024 – 2025 / S1/ Ms Leen De Boom• By colehoch
Preview 2 out of 20 pages
Summary and lesson notes, Business English 1/2024 — 2025/S1/ Ms Leen De Boom, Dutch translation is included

This is a complete summary of the International Marketing course.
- Summary
- • 108 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•International Marketing
Preview 4 out of 108 pages
This is a complete summary of the International Marketing course.

Hi! I passed my exam the first take thanks to this summary. 
Good Luck!
- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
Preview 3 out of 25 pages
Hi! I passed my exam the first take thanks to this summary. 
Good Luck!

This summary contains all the voc, grammar, extras, and an overview. All parts of voc consist of a table with the English word or sentence on the left with the Dutch translation or explanation. Many words also include synonyms or antonyms, as you should be able to do this before the exam.
- Summary
- • 31 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•English for SME
Preview 4 out of 31 pages
This summary contains all the voc, grammar, extras, and an overview. All parts of voc consist of a table with the English word or sentence on the left with the Dutch translation or explanation. Many words also include synonyms or antonyms, as you should be able to do this before the exam.

glossary English for SME 2b
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•English for SME 2B
Voordeelbundel voor leerstof van het gehele semester KMO-Management (Digitale Skills, People Management, ...)• By MrSmart123
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
glossary English for SME 2b

Full summary of the Business Marketing course. All powerpoints are clearly and clearly shown and described here.
- Summary
- • 52 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Business Marketing
Preview 4 out of 52 pages
Full summary of the Business Marketing course. All powerpoints are clearly and clearly shown and described here.

Summary: project management essentials, lesson notes+powerpoint, English but also Dutch explanations 
School Year 2024-25/Semester 1 
Jan Gorremans
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Preview 3 out of 58 pages
Summary: project management essentials, lesson notes+powerpoint, English but also Dutch explanations 
School Year 2024-25/Semester 1 
Jan Gorremans

In this summary of the Business English course, in the direction of Event & Project Management at Artevelde University, you will find everything you need for the exam! This contains all chapters of the course. Units 1,4,5 and 7, which explain issues such as Performance review, business proposal, negotiating, tenses...
- Book
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•Business English 3
Business Partner B2 Coursebook + basis MyEnglishLab pack • Marjorie Rosenberg, Iwona Dubicka, Bob Dignen• ISBN 9781292233567
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
In this summary of the Business English course, in the direction of Event & Project Management at Artevelde University, you will find everything you need for the exam! This contains all chapters of the course. Units 1,4,5 and 7, which explain issues such as Performance review, business proposal, negotiating, tenses...

This is a complete summary of English for Logistics. I received English for Logistics lessons from An Adriaens. I wrote the document in English because the lessons and exam are in English. 
For questions about the documents/other questions, you can always contact me.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 37 pages's •
Arteveldehogeschool•English for Logistics
Volledige samenvattingen van Economische Geografie, Supply Chain Management, English for Logistics en International Trade gegeven aan de Arteveldehogeschool• By baesthomas
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
This is a complete summary of English for Logistics. I received English for Logistics lessons from An Adriaens. I wrote the document in English because the lessons and exam are in English. 
For questions about the documents/other questions, you can always contact me.