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Samenvattingen Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals

Carol Lynn Cox - ISBN: 9781119108979

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Bekijk alle 44 samenvattingen van Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals, geschreven door Carol Lynn Cox. De samenvattingen van Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals op Stuvia zijn geschreven door studenten of docenten, waardoor je de inhoud van het studieboek makkelijker en sneller begrijpt. Door de samenvatting te vinden die perfect bij jouw leerstijl past, wordt studeren een stuk eenvoudiger.

Meest verkochte samenvattingen voor Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals

Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 2 Shadow Health Respiratory Physical Assessment Assignment DOCUMENTATION

Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 2 Shadow Health Respiratory Physical Assessment Assignment DOCUMENTATIONPre Brief: Tina had an asthma episode 2 days ago. At that time she used her albuterol inhaler and her symptoms decreased although they did not completely resolve. Since that incident she notes that she has had ten episodes of wheezing and has shortness of breath approximately every four hours. Tina presents with continued shortness of breath and wheezing. Be sure to ask pertinent ques...

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  • Case uitwerking
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  28-09-2020
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Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 7 Shadow Health Focused Exam Case Cough DOCUMENTATION

Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 7 Shadow Health Focused Exam Case Cough DOCUMENTATIONDaniel “Danny” Rivera is an 8-year-old boy who comes to the clinic with a cough. Students determine if Danny is in distress, explore the underlying cause of his cough, and look for related symptoms in other body systems.

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  • Case uitwerking
  •  • 5 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  28-09-2020
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Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Shadow Health: Cardiovascular Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS

NR 509 Week 4 Shadow Health: Cardiovascular Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS In order to determine which heart sound is S1, which of the following should you assess? The assessment of Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP) correlates with: Tina had brisk capillary refill (less than 3 seconds). What does this mean? Describe where on the body and when in the cardiac cycle you are most likely to auscultate a murmur caused by mitral valve prolapse. Imagine you had heard a murmur on Tina. Why would ...

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  • Case uitwerking
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  27-09-2020
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Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Shadow Health: Mental Health Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS

NR 509 Week 6 Shadow Health: Mental Health Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS If you had asked Tina to tell you the meaning of the proverb “Don’t cry over spilled milk,” what would you have been assessing? Suppose that Tina had been unable to identify the pen you were holding. What is the name of this symptom? Which of the following is a component of assessing cognition? Distinguish between inappropriate affect and appropriate affect, and provide an example of each. Identify the c...

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  • Case uitwerking
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  27-09-2020
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Nieuwste samenvattingen van Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals

Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 3 Midweek Comprehension Quiz (Collection)

NR 509 Week 3 Midweek Comprehension Quiz (July 2020) Question : According to the lesson, movement of the scalp, forehead, and nose is the function of which branch of CN V? Question: According to the lesson, taste from the epiglottis region of the tongue is controlled by which CN? Question: According to the lesson and the Bates’ Visual Guide video 16.15 Examining the Knees, to test the medial collateral ligament (MCL), perform the following assessment test? Question: According to the Bates’...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 8 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  24-09-2020
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Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 1 Midweek Comprehension Quiz (Collection)

NR 509 Week 1 Midweek Comprehension QUIZ (July 2020-v1) Question: According to the lesson, part of applying the diagnostic reasoning process requires that data … prioritized based on the urgency of the signs or symptoms. Of the following presenting complaints, which is the highest priority? Question: According to the lesson, there are two types of patient presentations, comprehensive and … You will adjust the scope of your history and physical examination to the situation at hand. Which of t...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 8 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  24-09-2020
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Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Week 2 Midweek Comprehension Quiz (Collection)

NR 509 Week 2 Midweek Comprehension QUIZ (July 2020-v1) Question: According to the Bates’ Visual Guide video 8.8 Examining the Neck, visual inspection of the neck may reveal enlargement of which gland? Question: According to the Bates’ Visual Guide video 8.8 Examining the Neck, which of the following findings should be noted while … lymph nodes? (Select all that apply)! Question: According to the Bates’ Visual Guide video 7.5 Examining the Eyes, when … the Snellen eye chart, the patien...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  24-09-2020
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Advanced Physical Assessment|NR 509 Shadow Health: Mental Health Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS

NR 509 Week 6 Shadow Health: Mental Health Physical Assessment – REVIEW QUESTIONS If you had asked Tina to tell you the meaning of the proverb “Don’t cry over spilled milk,” what would you have been assessing? Suppose that Tina had been unable to identify the pen you were holding. What is the name of this symptom? Which of the following is a component of assessing cognition? Distinguish between inappropriate affect and appropriate affect, and provide an example of each. Identify the c...

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  • Case uitwerking
  •  • 2 pagina's • 
  • door vicbanks • 
  • geupload  27-09-2020
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Heb jij documenten die matchen met dit boek? Verkoop het en verdien geld aan je kennis!

Waarom studeren met boeksamenvattingen op Stuvia?


Relevantie, efficiëntie en gemak. Dat zijn belangrijke elementen tijdens het studeren of het voorbereiden voor een vak, examen of tentamen. Studeren met behulp van samenvattingen, die gekoppeld zijn aan het ISBN-nummer van jouw (studie)boek, is relevanter dan ooit. Jouw medestudenten of (bijles)docenten delen hun kennis om jou te helpen in de voorbereiding op jouw examens. Zoek het ISBN-nummer van je studieboek en je weet zeker dat je de juiste samenvatting koopt. Zo kom je niet voor verrassingen te staan tijdens je tentamens.


Alle samenvattingen op Stuvia zijn geschreven door studenten die het examen al hebben gemaakt, docenten die de stof doceren of professionele uitgevers. Hierdoor kun jij er op vertrouwen dat je de lesstof makkelijker begrijpt én dat de samenvatting alle elementen bevat die worden getoetst in het examen. Zoek het boek dat je moet bestuderen op via het ISBN-nummer en kies de beste samenvatting van het studieboek.