MC201 (MC201)
Michigan State University
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Guided study questi0ns and responses for week 10 of MC201 - covering globalization, Stiglitz, and citizenship
This week in MC 201 we started our first case study: India
Reflection Paper from week #8 of MC201 - covering globalization and its discontents. Very important information for the class.
A reflection and summary of the concluding chapters of Thomas Sugrue’s “The Origins of the Urban Crisis.”
Guided questions and in-depth responses regarding "the Origins of the Urban Crisis"
Guided questions and responses for key information about the first readings assigned in MC201
A collection of notes post midterm in MC201
MC 201 Reflection paper #1
A summary of federalist papers 1, 10, and 51.
Guided questions and responses for readings and lectures assigned during week 11 of MC201.

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