Ac bbw - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
Suchst du nach den besten Studienführern, Studiennotizen und Zusammenfassungen über Ac bbw? Auf dieser Seite findest du 9 Studienunterlagen zu Ac bbw.
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AG-ACNP – Respiratory Questions and Answers Graded A+
- Prüfung • 18 Seiten • 2023
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 9,37 €
- 1x verkauft
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AG-ACNP – Respiratory Questions and Answers Graded A+ 
58 yo. M presents to ED with complaints of dry cough. CXR revealed generalized, inflamed film throughout. What is the most likely diagnosis? Pneumonitis 
What drug has been known to prevent nosocomial PNA? Sulcarafate (Carafate) - Mucosal Protective Agent 
What is an initial finding associated with a pulmonary embolism? Respiratory Alkalosis - secondary to increased RR and blowing off CO2 
What is diagnostic of pulmonary HTN? 2D echo 
B7 Pharmacology Final Exam (Lectures 12-22) guaranteed PASS
- Prüfung • 70 Seiten • 2023
- 12,57 €
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DSM5 Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder - 1+ maj depr eps w/o hx man/hypoman 
- 5+ SIGECAPS sx nearly everyday 2w per w/ change from prev func lev 
- MUST impair func/cause subst distr 
- 1 sx MUST be depr mood/anhed 
SIGECAPS sx of MDD - - Suic ideation w/ w/o plan; suic att; recur thoughts of death 
- Interest (loss int/pleas in activs; anhed) 
- Guilt (inappr/excess, feeling worthlessness) 
- Energy decr 
- Conc decr; diff making decis 
- Appet ch (typ decr, change 5% wt from basel) 
- ...
- Prüfung • 94 Seiten • 2022
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 8,44 €
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Prescription Writing Need at least 2 patient identifiers: Name, DOB, Address, Date of Rx, Prescriber name, address, license number, DEA number if applicable, Info for supervising MD, 
Drug: name/strength/dose/route/QTY/refills, Signature 
JC ¡§Do Not Use¡¨ List 
¡E U: write out ¡§unit¡¨ 
¡E IU: write out ¡§international uni...
- Prüfung • 94 Seiten • 2022
- 8,91 €
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Need at least 2 patient identifiers: Name, DOB, Address, Date of Rx, Prescriber name, address, license number, DEA number if applicable, Info for supervising MD, 
Drug: name/strength/dose/route/QTY/refills, Signature 
JC “Do Not Use” List 
• U: write out “unit” 
• IU: write out “international units” 
• Q.D., Q.O.D.: write out daily or every other day 
• Trailing/leading zeros 
• MS, MSO4, MgSO4: writ...
B5 GI-Renal Pharmacology Final Exam Graded A+
- Prüfung • 43 Seiten • 2023
- 11,72 €
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Promoters of Gastric Acid Secretion - - Ach from vagus n (PS) 
- Hist from enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells 
- Gastrin from G cells 
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion - - Somatostatin from delta cells 
- PGE2 from gastr muc 
Pathophysiology & Common Sx of GERD - AKA acid reflux, heartburn 
- Pathophys = stom cont/gastr ac reflux into esoph --> sx+complics; maybe by decr LES 
press/musc tone --> treat by 1). incr LES press, 2). decr stom ac secr 
- Common Sx = heartburn, hypersal, ac r...
Und so verdienst du zusätzliches Geld
B7 Pharmacology Final Exam (Lectures 12-22)
- Prüfung • 70 Seiten • 2023
- 19,70 €
- + erfahre mehr
B7 Pharmacology Final Exam (Lectures 
DSM5 Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder - 1+ maj depr eps w/o hx man/hypoman 
- 5+ SIGECAPS sx nearly everyday 2w per w/ change from prev func lev 
- MUST impair func/cause subst distr 
- 1 sx MUST be depr mood/anhed 
SIGECAPS sx of MDD - - Suic ideation w/ w/o plan; suic att; recur thoughts of death 
- Interest (loss int/pleas in activs; anhed) 
- Guilt (inappr/excess, feeling worthlessness) 
- Energy decr 
- Conc decr; diff making decis 
- Ap...
chemie 1 vl / AC/ anorg. Chemie
- Notizen • 30 Seiten • 2023
- 4,99 €
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leider nicht vollständig
B7 Pharmacology Exam 1 100% PASS
- Prüfung • 71 Seiten • 2023
- 12,19 €
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Description of Malaria - paras inf by Plasmodium spp (P. falcip, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. 
malariae, P. knowlesi) by Anopheles mosq vector not aff by paras 
- complex life cyc incl erythro stage (want to prev this stage, causes clin illness) & exoerythro stage (dormant in liv as hypnozoites) 
transm in regs near equat temps >68F 
Non-Pharm Prevention of Malaria - - travs to endem regs receive chemo-proph dep on 
who, where, when trav going, what style trav, trip dur 
- NO proph regimen com...
(elaborations) nursing pharmacology
- Prüfung • 6 Seiten • 2023
- 7,97 €
- + erfahre mehr
Study Guide Exam 1 
For Drug Laws, make sure you know the main points of the 
 Pure Food and Drug Act: Standards of drug strength and purity, prohibits mislabeling or adulteration. 
 The Food drug and Cosmetic Act: Enforced registration of sale, and distribution. Must be safe. 
The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act: Pediatric research equity 2003, Set up pediatric drug trials. 
The Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act: Informs off label use. 
 FDA Amendments Act: Post marketing s...
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