Research Methodology


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Research Methods: A practical guide for the social sciences | Summary RES2 | Part A, B, and C1-3 Research Methods: A practical guide for the social sciences | Summary RES2 | Part A, B, and C1-3
  • Research Methods: A practical guide for the social sciences | Summary RES2 | Part A, B, and C1-3

  • Zusammenfassung • 11 Seiten • 2019
  • Research Methods A practical guide for the social sciences Bob Matthews and Liz Ross Universiy of Birmingham | Longman ISBN 978-1-4058-5850-2 The summary consists out of Part A, B, and C1-3 PART A: A1 What is research? A2 Knowledge, theories, paradigms and perspectives A3 The nature of data A4 Research questions, hypotheses and operational definitions A5 Research as an ehtical and cultural issue PART B: B1 Planning a research project B2 Reviewing the literature B3 Research design B4 Choosing ...
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