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Summary Engels 2A cursus internationaal ondernemen (2de jaar) 2,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Engels 2A cursus internationaal ondernemen (2de jaar)

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Deze cursus bevat de volledige inhoud te kennen voor het examen engels 2An, internationaal ondernemen, 2de jaar, te Arteveldehogeschool.

vorschau 3 aus 19   Seiten

  • Nein
  • U1-u6
  • 15. februar 2021
  • 19
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
What to study for the exam?
o Market Leader Advanced textbook: unit 1-6.
o Working Across Cultures textbook: unit 1-9.
o You do NOT need to study the contents of the texts in this book nor the case studies.

o You need to know the content of the texts from Working Across Cultures discussed in your
o You need to know how to write a 5-paragraph text. We will of course not ask you about the
theory, but you should be able to apply your knowledge and you will be asked to write a 5-
paragraph text on the exam.


, Working across cultures
Unit 1: Overcoming cultural barriers
Word Sentence Translation
Market saturation When a company stops expanding its market share. The Marktverzadiging
volume of a product or a service in a marketplace has
been maximized.
To dip their toes into Making the first move, doing something for the first Iets nieuws proberen
foreign waters time.
Cultural convergence When different cultures come closer together. When Culturele
everything becomes similar. convergentie/ Als
culturen dichter bij
elkaar komen.
Wanneer alles
hetzelfde wordt.
To suit local sensitivities To adapt to different ways of doing things. Zich aanpassen aan
To feel the effects of To have cultural problems. Culturele problemen
Divides Cultural differences. Culturele verschillen
To compound Made worse Verergeren/ wordt
verergerd door
Competitive advantage An advantage that makes a company more able to Concurrentie-
succeed in competing with others. A chance to be better voordeel
than competitors.
To adopt best practices To take good ideas from others. Adopteren
Overseas markets Markets in, or from a foreign country. Markten in het
To exploit To use fully so you get as much advantage as possible Uitbuiten/ volledig
from it. gebruiken zodat je er
het max uit kan
Subsidiairies Companies that are at least half owned and controlled by Dochter-
another company. ondernemingen
To pose to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty. Veroorzaken
Beliefs Ideas that you believe to be true, especially ones that Overtuigingen
form part of a system of ideas.
Value (s) The principles and beliefs that influence the behaviour Waarde (n)
and the way of life of a particular group or community.
To preserve Place reserved for one special group. To keep something Behouden
as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or


, being damaged or destroyed
Loyalty Being faithful to a set of beliefs or a country. Loyaliteit
Barriers Things that prevent or limit what you can do. Barrières
Repositioning Changing the way of marketing and advertising a product Herpositionering
or a brand so that people think about it in a different way.
To establish To set up, to create. Vormen, creëren
Directive leadership A style of management that shows you are clearly in Een stijl van
charge. leidinggeven die
duidelijk laat zien
dat u de leiding
To sort out To solve. Uitzoeken, oplossen
Cross-fertilisation The mixing of the ideas of different groups of people, Kruisbestuiving /
which often produces a better result. Het mengen van de
ideeën van
groepen mensen, wat
vaak een beter
resultaat oplevert.
Artefact An object such as a tool or decoration, especially one de benaming voor
that is of cultural and historical interest. ieder verplaatsbaar
object dat door de
mens is vervaardigd,
bewerkt en-of
Assumptions A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, Veronderstellingen
without proof.
Attitudes The opinions and feelings that you usually have about Attitudes
Behaviour The way that someone acts in different situations. Gedrag
A Norm The standards of behaviour that are accepted in a Normen
particular society.
Traditions Beliefs, customs or ways of doing something that have Tradities
existed for a long time, or these beliefs, customs, etc. in
Values The principles and beliefs that influence the behaviour Waarden
and way of life of a particular group or community.
Language A system of communication used by a particular country Taal
or community.

Correction exercise
1) Multinational companies usually have subsidiaries in many parts of the world.
2) Some companies are more successful in overseas markets than in their domestic market.
3) Having a presence in a market is the best way to exploit it fully.
4) Sometimes it is necessary to reposition a product or brand in a foreign market in order to
avoid offending or confusing people.


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