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Samenvatting/summary Developmental Psychopathology 4,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Samenvatting/summary Developmental Psychopathology

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Samenvatting van alle 14 hoofdstukken vanuit het book Disorders of Childhood voor het vak Developmental Psychopathology, inclusief extra hoofdstuk voor tentamen met aantekeningen.

vorschau 4 aus 60   Seiten

  • Ja
  • 3. november 2020
  • 60
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

Verfügbare Übungsfragen

Karteikarten 30 Karteikarten
€3,74 1 verkauft

Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


True or false: Urbanization tends to protect against mental disorders among children in resource-poor nations.

Antwort: False: Rapid social change, urbanization, and urban poverty increase children\'s vulnerability to mental disorders in resource-poor nations.


Multicomponent treatments that focus on children, their families, and their communities and systems are known as which approaches?

Antwort: Holistic


Adaptation that is considered acceptable or good enough to meet the challenges an individual is facing is referred to as _____ adaptation.

Antwort: Adequate


Adaptation that represents the best possible outcome is referred to as _____ adaptation

Antwort: Optimal


Value judgments are the basis of which definitions of disorder?

Antwort: Sociocultural


Stuart and Erin are concerned that their nine-year-old son, William, is obese. They decide to enroll him in a local program that focuses on reducing childhood obesity through eating interventions, exercise programs, and health education. Stuart tells the director, \"I\'m concerned that this program will make William feel bad about himself for being overweight.\" Stuart is concerned about which concept?

Antwort: Stigmatization


Which of the following is not a dimension along which the sociocultural norm perspective considers what is typical or atypical behavior in children? a. socioeconomic-specific expectations b. age-related expectations c. culture-relevant expectations d. gender-specific expectations

Antwort: a. socioeconomic-specific expectations


Dr. Matthews believes that the best way to consider the psychological disorders that may afflict children is to do so by thinking about the conditions within the context of typical development. This allows him to compare typical functioning to atypical behaviors. This is the basis of _________ psychopathology. a. developmental b. pediatric c. constructivistic d. individualistic

Antwort: a. developmental


A discussion of global prevalence of mental illness and the allocation of resources for dealing with these issues requires careful consideration of how ________ models influence thinking in these areas. a. Western b. traditional c. outdated d. socialist

Antwort: a. Western


If you want to write a paper that examines the careers and writings of two of the primary proponents of the humanistic model, who would you research? a. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow b. Fritz Perls and Heinz Kohut c. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung d. John Watson and B.F. Skinner

Antwort: a. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

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