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Synapse 4,25 €   In den Einkaufswagen



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Learn about the structure and function of the synapse with easy to understand color coded steps and pictures! Includes types of synapses, release of neurotransmitters, action of neurotransmitters, postsynaptic receptors, monoamine neurotransmitters, and amino acid neurotransmitters. *This will not...

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  • 21. september 2020
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Verfügbare Übungsfragen

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What is a synapse?

Antwort: Junction across which a nerve impulse (action potential) is indirectly or directly transmitted from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or a gland cell


What is the action potential transmitted to in the central nervous system (CNS)?

Antwort: Neuron to neuron


What is the action potential transmitted to in the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?

Antwort: Neuron to neuron or effector cell in a muscle or gland


What are neuron to neuron synapses?

Antwort: Connect the axon of one neuron to... 1. Dendrite: axodendritic 2. Soma: axosomatic 3. Axon: axoaxonic ...of the second neuron


What is the most common transmission?

Antwort: Presynaptic (1st neuron) to postsynaptic (2nd neuron) (Axon to dendrite or soma)


What is a neurotransmitter?

Antwort: Chemical released into synaptic cleft where it can trigger an action potential


What are gap junctions?

Antwort: Specialized regions between membranes of two adjacent cells that permit the diffusion of ions and small molecules from cell to cell - Each gap junction is composed of 6 proteins called connexins - Connexions in one membrane line up with 6 connexions in the adjacent cell membrane to form a gap junction


What is a hemichannel?

Antwort: 6 connexions that form half of a gap junction


What is the basis of neuron to neuron synapse communication?

Antwort: - Adjacent cells are electrically coupled - Flow of ions from neuron to neuron via gap junctions - Allow for FASTER action potential transmission - Pores in gap junctions are much larger than voltage gated ion channels which allows for simple diffusion and permits ATP and 2nd messengers to be transferred between neurons - Present in cardiac muscle and many types of smooth muscle


What is the basis of chemical synapse communication?

Antwort: Majority of transmission is one way and through the release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic endings called terminal boutons

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