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AP Psychology Note Bundle 14,64 €   In den Einkaufswagen


AP Psychology Note Bundle

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  • Hochschule
  • Book

This bundle includes lots of college psychology vocabulary as well as class notes. All notes are handwritten and based off of textbook readings as well as lectures. This bundle includes 28 documents and covers the most foundational topics needed to understand psychology.

vorschau 3 aus 28   Seiten

  • 9. september 2020
  • 28
  • 2019/2020
  • Notizen
  • Unbekannt
  • Unbekannt

Verfügbare Übungsfragen

Karteikarten 57 Karteikarten
€5,19 0 verkauft

Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What is psychology?

Antwort: Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and its mental processes


Who is the Father of Psychology?

Antwort: Wilhelm Wundt


What is structuralism?

Antwort: Early school of thought promoted by Wundt and Titchener; used introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind


What is functionalism?

Antwort: Early school of thought promoted by William James and influenced by Charles Darwin; explored how mental and behavioral processes function- how they enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish


Who is Edward Titchener?

Antwort: A student of Wundt; used introspection to search for the mind\'s structural elements


Who is William James?

Antwort: The Father of American Psychology; his perspective was based off of the evolutionary theory which later created functionalism


Who is Mary Whiton Calkins?

Antwort: The first woman to be president of the American Psychological Association


Who is John B. Watson?

Antwort: An American psychologist who popularized the scientific theory of behaviorism


Who is B. F. Skinner?

Antwort: The leading behaviorist who rejected introspection and studied how consequences shape behavior


Who is Sigmund Freud?

Antwort: Person who emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind, and a primary assumption of Freudian theory is that the unconscious mind governs behavior to a greater degree than people suspect

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