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Summary problem 6.1 2,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary problem 6.1

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Summary for block 1.6 at Erasmus university (). I'm enrolled in international psychology, however the sources and study materials are the same in both psychology courses. Hence, these summaries may also be useful for Dutch students. The summaries are based on at least 2 of the required reading mate...

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vorschau 2 aus 6   Seiten

  • 9. juli 2019
  • 6
  • 2018/2019
  • Zusammenfassung
Summary #1 just scared
= alarm reaction/basic emotion that involves activation of fight-flight response to immediate
Absence of external danger  panic attack (fear and doom)
= unpleasant cognition/emotion oriented to the future & it’s more diffuse
 Arousal
 Reactivity may become too intense/specific maladaptive/problematic
 Focus
 Problem solving
= persistent disproportionate fear of an object or situation that presents little danger & leads
to avoidance

Components: fear VS. anxiety
1. Cognitive (immediate fear VS. worry and negative mood)
2. Physiological (sympathetic nervous system VS. tension and chronic over arousal)
3. Behavioral (fight-flight response VS. general avoidance)

Anxiety may become too intense/attached to specific situatons  maladaptive/problematic

Anxiety disorder (30-40%, western society)
= Unrealistic/irrational fear or anxiety that causes significant distress & function impairment.
- Anxiety is out of proportion to threat
- Individual is constantly experiencing anxiety (no stimulus)
- Anxiety is chronic and disabling  constant emotional distress  dysfunctional
 Economically expensive to treat
 High individual/social
 Disabling (like physical

Factors involved in anxiety
- Classical condition
- Social
- Distorted cognitions
- Sociocultural environment
- Psychological factors

Main anxiety related disorders
- Specific phobias
- Social phobia/social anxiety disorder
 agoraphobia

, Specific phobias
= marked fear or anxiety about an object/situation that leads to significant
distress/impairment/avoidance and is excessive & irrational.
1. Animal
2. Natural environment
3. Blood-Injury-injection much comorbidity
4. Situational within categories
5. Other

Patients hold Phobic beliefs
= beliefs about phobic stimuli that maintain the fear and avoidance behavior. information as
to why they believe a stimulus is threatening and what the appropriate reaction is.

- 12% prevalence
- More common in women
- May start in childhood

Psychological factors
- Anxiety is a defense mechanism against impulses generated from the ID (Freud)
- Specific phobia is learned
 Reinforcement of avoidance (reduces distress)
 Reinforcement when others are considerate
 Vicarious conditioning: watching someone else be phobic/ watch neutral person
undergo a frightening experience
 Direct conditioning/ traumatic conditioning
 Inflation effect: once exposed to a traumatic event, follow up events related to
the initial one quickly strengthens conditioning  + likely to develop phobia
 individual differences in learning/acquiring a phobia
- Evolutionary preparedness
= certain stimuli posed real threats to ancestors and are
 easily acquired as being frightening
 resistant to extinction
Biological factors
- Serotonin transporter gene (promotes fear conditioning)
- COMT met/met gene (reduces extinction)
- Behavioral inhibited toddles  + development of specific phobia
- Monozygotic twin studies, show moderate heredity
- Biological preparedness  quick conditioned acquisition of fear to fear relevant
- Non-associative fear acquisition
= fear of biologically relevant stimuli develops naturally, requires no background
trauma (young kids’ period of fear for
everything). Time passes; habituation.
- Disease avoidance model of animal phobias

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