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Summary Behavioural approach to treating phobias (psychopathology) with evaluation 6,13 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Behavioural approach to treating phobias (psychopathology) with evaluation

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Behavioural approach to treating phobias content, concise summary and evaluation paragraphs. These documents are all the notes that I made in my 2 years studying A level psychology. I achieved a grade A for psychology. And I credit it to all the hard work I poured into these notes, which took year...

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  • 1. mai 2024
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  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung
Behavioural Approaches to Treating Phobias:

Systematic Desensitisation:

 a behavioural therapy to treat phobias
 a desensitisation hierarchy is made with the least to the most fearful to the patient
 the patient is gradually exposed to the threatening situation under relaxed conditions
until the anxiety reaction is extinguished
 counter-conditioning - the patient is taught a new association that runs counter to the
original association - symptom substitution
 the patient is taught through classical conditioning to associate the phobic stimuli with
a new, non-anxious response - relaxation instead of fear
 the response of the ‘new’ relaxation, inhibits the response of anxiety
 the therapist teaches the patient relaxation techniques like breathing slow deep breaths
and focusing on a particular object or visualising a peaceful scene etc as well as
progressive muscle relaxation
 they are gradually introduced to the feared situation one step at a time, from the most
to least fearful stimuli, so that it is not overwhelming
 at each stage, they practice relaxation to diminish anxiety


 a behavioural therapy to treat phobias
 one long session where the patient is exposed to an extreme form of the threatening
situation under relaxed conditions until the anxiety is extinguished
 a person’s fear response and the release of adrenaline has a time limit
 after this time limit, the adrenaline levels naturally decrease
 this is a new stimulus response which can be learnt and the phobic stimulus is now
associated with a non-anxious response (they no longer have a phobia) - symptom

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