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Walmart Food/Safety Test Questions And Answers Real Quiz 2023 12,90 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Walmart Food/Safety Test Questions And Answers Real Quiz 2023

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  • Walmart Food/Safety

Walmart Food/Safety Test Questions And Answers Real Quiz 2023 What symptom requires a food handler to be excluded from the operation? Jaundice What should staff do when receiving a delivery of food and supplies? visually inspect all food items More Single use gloves are not required when... ...

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  • 23. februar 2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Walmart Food/Safety
  • Walmart Food/Safety
Walmart Food/Safety Test Questions And Answers Real Quiz 2023 What symptom requires a food handler to be excluded from the operation? Jaundice What should staff do when receiving a delivery of food and supplies? visually inspect all food items More Single use gloves are not required when... washing produce what myst food handlers do when handling ready -to-eat food? wear single use gloves What symptom can indicate a customer is having an allergic reaction? wheezing or shortness of breath What should be done with preset, unwrapped utensils that appear to be unused after guests have left the table? clean and sanitize the utensils In a self -service area, bulk unpackaged food does not need a label if the products... does not make a cla im about health or nutrient content what is the minimum internal temperature hot food must be held at to prevent pathogens from growing? 135 F (57 C) What should food handlers do after leaving and returning the prep area? wash hands What type of eggs must be used when preparing raw or undercooked dishes for high -
risk populations? pasteurized what must an operation do before packaging fresh juice on -site for later sale? obtain a variance A food handler has just finished storing dry foo d delivery. What step was done correctly? stored food away from wall What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for a veal chop? 145 F (63 C) Which responsibility is included in the Food and Drug administrations role? Regulating food transported across state lines What practice is useful for preventing norovirus from causing foodborne illness correct handwashing What must a food handler with an infected hand wound do to work safely with food? cover the wound with an imp ermeable cover and wear single -use glove What does L stand for int eh FDA's alert tool? Look Which item is a potential physical contaminant? jewelry What factors influence the effectiveness of a chemical sanitizer? concentration, temperature, contact time, pH, and water hardness Bulk unpackaged food in self -service areas must be labeled when...

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