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Summary Knowledge Exam Neuroimmunology 9,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Knowledge Exam Neuroimmunology

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This summary contains notes, quizes (+ answers) and case studies of neurobiology and immunology. It helped me pass the exam on the first try, so I hope you do too!

vorschau 4 aus 51   Seiten

  • 3. dezember 2023
  • 51
  • 2023/2024
  • Zusammenfassung
Knowledge Exam – Course 7, Minor Neuroimmunology
Neurobiology and Immunology

Neurobiology ......................................................................................................................... 2
Lesson 1 - Nervous System - A general view ........................................................................... 2
Lesson 2 – Neurons, Neurotransmitters and Glial Cells .......................................................... 5
Kahoot of Lesson 1 and 2 .................................................................................................... 9
Lesson 3 – The Synapse ......................................................................................................... 10
Lesson 4 – The Hippocampus and Gene & Protein Expression .............................................. 13
Kahoot of Lesson 3 and 4 .................................................................................................. 16
Lesson 5 – Laboratory Animals in Neurobiology Research .................................................... 17
Lesson 6 – MicroRNAs and Nervous System Disorders ......................................................... 19
Case study ......................................................................................................................... 22
Questions on all topics...................................................................................................... 23

Immunology .........................................................................................................................24
Lesson 1 – Defense against bacteria ..................................................................................... 24
Lesson 2 – Defense against viruses ....................................................................................... 29
Kahoot Lesson 1 and 2 ...................................................................................................... 33
Lesson 3 - Vaccines ............................................................................................................... 34
Kahoot Lesson 3 ................................................................................................................ 38
Lesson 4 - Tolerance.............................................................................................................. 39
Kahoot Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................ 44
Lesson 5 – Auto-immunity..................................................................................................... 45
Lesson 6 – Tumor immunology ............................................................................................. 49
Kahoot Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................ 51

, Neurobiology
nervous system, neurons, neurotransmitters, glial cells, synapse, hippocampus, gene/protein
expression, laboratory animals, microRNAs, and NS disorders

Lesson 1 - Nervous System - A general view
peripheral (afferent and efferent, parasympathetic, and sympathetic) and central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord), regional specialization of the brain (organization of the brain in specific brain
regions coordinating specific processes, cerebrum - prefrontal cortex, limbic system - amygdala and
hippocampus), nervous system development (embryonic)

90 different color combinations relating to neurons were used. The
neuronal population is captured from a part of the brain region. A map of
the connections between brain regions was developed. Cell bodies and
extensions can be seen.

Nervous tissue
The characteristics are its many different types of cells, very little extracellular matrix (only around
blood vessels and the remaining are neuronal cells) and specialized cellular connections. The
extracellular matrix has soft tissue, and the cytoskeleton (intermediate filament) provides firmness.
It functions for the transmission of signals. The glial cells support the function of the neurons (= signal

Cells of the nervous system
• neurons
→ for signal transmission/transduction. It has a cell body (perikaryon/soma),
dendrites/spines (green dots) and axon.
Neurons are branched into spines where the signal is given to the next neuron
with an axon. The dendrites (multiple) are for receiving the signal. The axon
(1) will move signals to the next neuron. The axon hillock connects the soma
to the axon. The change in membrane potential from incoming signals
(depolarizations along the dendrites) must reach the 'threshold potential' at
the axon hillock in order for an action potential to propagate along the axon.

• glial cells
→ for support and nourishing of neurons (so neurons can do their job).
The CNS and PNS have different glial cells.

ependymal (pink): these cells make
cerebrospinal spinal fluid (CSF). This fluid

, contains nutrients for the cells in the nervous
system and removes waste. These cells located
on the ventricles act as a cushion.
astrocytes (yellow): these cells project to the
dendrites and axon. It serves for nutrients and
support (structure wise) to the neurons around
the synapses.
oligodendrocytes (blue): these cells help with Schwann cells (white): these cells help
electrical insulation with electrical insulation and are made
from myelin
microglia (dark blue): these cells are immune

Peripheral and central nervous system Autonomic nervous system

regional specialization of the brain
the cortex is the outer layer of your brain and can be organized
in the primary motor cortex and primary somatosensory
primary motor cortex (frontal lobe) is for movement.
primary somatosensory cortex (parietal lobe) is for sensory.
some parts of our bodies need more signal transmission/more
neurons what is indicated by the amount of crimplings.

the curious case of Phineas Gage
large portions of the frontal lobe (prefrontal cortex → this is important for
decision making and temperament) were damaged because of an accident.
during surgery a large portion of the brain was removed.
the person became emotionally detached, impatient, erratic in his behavior

important for the general part of the body

, limbic system
The limbic system is the portion of the brain that deals with three key functions: emotions, memories,
and arousal (or stimulation). It is responsible when it comes to behaviors we need for survival: feeding,
reproduction and caring for our young, and fight or flight responses.

fMRI is done for detecting brain activity by an increase in the flow of
oxygen-rich blood → the color (oxygen-rich) indicates that this part of the
brain is active

experience of emotions

embryonic development of the brain
neurons need to know where they should be used what is regulated by gene expression and signal
transduction. the neurons compete for survival. in order to survive they need growth factors. if it
doesn't receive any or enough factors, it will die (→ number of neurons is determined this way).
neurons should know how many dendrites they have to form. neurons start by forming too many
synapses. after maturation (getting the right signals) it is determined which muscle fiber it belongs to
(= synaptic pruning).
microglia will clean up neurons that were eliminated by also make it less stable. neurons that weren't
eliminated will be stabilized more and also elongated.

It doesn't make sense why so many synapses are made.
Answer: You can filter unnecessary synapses and see which ones are necessary. These will get more

1. gene expression and signal transduction determine where neurons form in the developing
2. neurons compete for survival because they need
growth-supporting factors. When they don't reach the
proper location, they don't receive these factors and it
leads to apoptosis (about 50% of the neurons are
3. [synapse formation and elimination] neurons form too many synapses
upon functioning and elimination helps the remaining neurons with
stabilization and destabilization of synapses (= synaptic pruning)

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