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Test Bank for advanced health assessment & clinical diagnosis in primary care 5th edition by joyce e. dains 15,22 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank for advanced health assessment & clinical diagnosis in primary care 5th edition by joyce e. dains

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Chapter 1: Clinical reasoning, differential diagnosis, evidence-based practice, and symptom ana Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Which type of clinical decision-making is most reliable? A . Intuitive B. Analytical C. ...

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  • 9. august 2023
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4. The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner understands that a major child health outcome associated with worldwide climate change is

Antwort: A. cost of living. B. education. C. nutrition. Correct D. pollution. Answer is C


When providing well child care for an infant in the first year of life, the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner is adhering to the most recent American Academy of PediatricsRecommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care guidelines by A. focusing less on development and more on illness prevention and nutrition. B. following guidelines established by theBright Futures publication. C. scheduling well­baby visits to coincide with key developmental milestones. Correct D. seeing the infant at ages 2, 4, 6, and 12 months when immunizations are due.

Antwort: A. focusing less on development and more on illness prevention and nutrition. B. following guidelines established by theBright Futures publication. C. scheduling well­baby visits to coincide with key developmental milestones. Correct D. seeing the infant at ages 2, 4, 6, and 12 months when immunizations are due. Answer is C


1. Which region globally has the highest infant mortality rate? A. Indonesia B. Southern Asia C. Sub­Saharan Africa Correct D. Syria

Antwort: 1. Which region globally has the highest infant mortality rate? A. Indonesia B. Southern Asia C. Sub­Saharan Africa Correct D. Syria Answer is C


2. The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner understands that, to achieve the greatest world­wide reduction in child mortality from pneumonia and diarrhea, which intervention is most effective? A. Antibiotics B. Optimal nutrition C. Vaccinations Correct D. Water purification

Antwort: 2. The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner understands that, to achieve the greatest world­wide reduction in child mortality from pneumonia and diarrhea, which intervention is most effective? A. Antibiotics B. Optimal nutrition C. Vaccinations Correct D. Water purification Answer is. C


Which is true about the health status of children in the United States?

Antwort: A. Globalism has relatively little impact on child health measures in the U.S. B. Obesity rates among 2­ to 5­year­olds have shown a recent significant decrease. Correct C. The rate of household poverty is lower than in other economically developed nations. D. Young children who attend preschool or day care have higher food insecurity Answer is. B


The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner is obtaining a medical history about a child. To integrate both nursing and medical aspects of primary care, which will be included in the medical history?

Antwort: A. Complementary medications, alternative health practices, and chief complaint B. Developmental delays, nutritional status, and linear growth patterns C. Medication currently taking, allergy information, and family medical history D. Speech and language development, beliefs about health, and previous illnesses Correct Answers is. D

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