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Summary E-commerce - ECOE - Monday 12 December! 5,49 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary E-commerce - ECOE - Monday 12 December!

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Summary Ecommerce (ECOE) - Monday 12 December 2016.

vorschau 1 aus 14   Seiten

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  • Chapters discussed in class and needed for the exam!
  • 11. dezember 2016
  • 14
  • 2016/2017
  • Zusammenfassung

Verfügbare Übungsfragen

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


Give the definition of \'e-Commerce\'.

Antwort: E-Commerce is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet.


What are the biggest e-commerce markets within Europe?

Antwort: The UK, Germany and France.


What are the biggest e-commerce markets globally?

Antwort: The USA, China and the UK.


Name the four different perspectives from which e-commerce can be seen.

Antwort: 1. The communications perspective 2. The business process perspective 3. The service perspective 4. The online perspective


Give the explanation of single, multi, cross and omni-channel.

Antwort: Single channel: The customer sees, and retailers only have, a single type of touch-point. Multi-channel: The customer sees multiple touch-points acting independently. Retailers\' channel knowledge and operations exist in technical and functional silos. Cross-channel: The customer sees multiple touch-points as part of the same brand. Retailers have a \'single view of the customer\' but operate in functional silos. Omni-channel: Customers experience a brand, not a channel. Retailers leverage their \'single view of the customer\' in coordinated and strategic ways.


Give the definition of \'customer journey\'.

Antwort: A description of modern multichannel behavior as consumers use different media to select suppliers, make purchases and gain customer support.


What are the 7 different ways to get traffic to your webshop?

Antwort: 1. Search Marketing 2. Online PR 3. Online partnership 4. Interactive ads 5. Opt-in e-mail 6. Social Media Marketing 7. Offline communications


What is Search Engine Marketing and what are the two underlying methods. Give the three definitions.

Antwort: Search Engine Marketing (SEM): A form of Internet Marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimisation and advertising. - Search Engine Optimisation: (SEO) The process of affecting the visibility of a website or web page in a search engine\'s unpaid results. - Search Engine Advertising: (SEA or PPC) Search advertising and paid search marketing: A method of placing online advertisements on web pages that show results from search engine queries.


Name 5 factors that influence the ranking of your webpage.

Antwort: 1. Frequency of occurrence of the key phrase in the body copy 2. Number of inbound links 3. Title HTML tag 4. Meta-tags 5. Alternative graphic text


Give the definition of \'Online PR\'.

Antwort: Maximising favourable mentions of your company on third-party websites which are likely to be visited by your target audience.

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