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Summary Business Research Methods chapter 4 2,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Business Research Methods chapter 4

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Business Research Methods chapter 4

vorschau 1 aus 3   Seiten

  • Nein
  • H4
  • 6. dezember 2016
  • 3
  • 2016/2017
  • Zusammenfassung
Business Research Methods chapter 4

As in other aspects of business, all parties in research should exhibit ethical behaviour. Ethics is the
study of the ‘right behaviour’ and addresses the question of how to conduct research in a moral and
responsible way. Thus, ethic not only addresses the question of how to use methodology in a proper
way to conduct sound research, but also addresses the question of how the available methodology
may be used in the ‘right’ way. Conducting empirical research, either quantitative or qualitative,
often requires that you as a researcher have to compromise between what methodological theory
recommends and what is feasible from a practical viewpoint.

There are two dominant philosophical standpoints on research ethics:
1. Deontology: the ends never justify the use of the means that are questionable on ethical grounds.
2. Teleological: business researchers often ascribe to the teleological principle, which posits that the
morality of the means has to be judged by the ends served.

In general, research must be designed so a respondent does not suffer physical harm, discomfort,
pain, embarrassment or loss of privacy. To safeguard against these thing, the researcher should
follow three guidelines:
1. Explain the benefits of the study;
2. Explain the participants rights and protection;
3. Obtain informed consent.

Whenever direct contact is made with a participant, the researcher should explain the purpose of the
study and discuss its benefits being careful to neither overstate nor understate the benefits.

Deception occurs when participants are told only part of the truth or when the truth is full
compromised. Some believe that this should never occur. Others suggest two reasons for deception:
1. To prevent biasing participants before the survey or experiment;
2. To protect the confidentiality of a third party (the sponsor).

Informed consent
Securing informed consent from participants is a matter of fully disclosing the procedures of the
proposed survey or other research design before requesting permission to proceed with the study.
For most business research, oral consent is sufficient and the willingness of a respondent to

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