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Course notes Communication as a Social Force (CM1009) 5,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Course notes Communication as a Social Force (CM1009)

  • Kurs
  • Hochschule

Communication as a Social Force, Erasmus University Rotterdam. This documents shows the importance and relevance of communication used as a force to shape society through a detailed summary of the course notes, mock exam questions, flashcards and a thorough analysis of the concepts discussed durin...

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The quantifiable-self (p.3)

Antwort: It refers to people who share the interest of self-tracking with technology to gain “self-knowledge” through numbers.


Mediatization (p.3)

Antwort: Media have become an integrated part of social institutions and media have grown into an independent social institution


Four types of mediatization processes (Winfried Schulz) (p.3)

Antwort: - extend human communication - substitute activities - amalgamate activities - force activities to adapt to media’s format



Antwort: Mediated: using media to do something (e.g. mediated communication) Mediatization: how media is changing an activity (e.g. changes in relationships when using media)


What is the media logic? (p.4)

Antwort: The roles and codes of media. Main features: 4S model (sex, sports, sensation, and scandal)


Field Theory - who does it belong to and what is it? (p.4)

Antwort: Bordieu. Fields (institutions) are composed of autonomous and heteronomous poles.


Structuration Theory - who does it belong to and what is it? (p.4)

Antwort: Giddens. Structures, formed by rules and resources, are modified by agents and agents act within the frames of structures.


Strömbäck’s model of the mediatization of politics (p.8)

Antwort: 1. mass media become the first source of information 2. mass media become independent from political power 3. political and social actors start adapting to mass media 4. social and political actor internalize media


Political logic (p.8)

Antwort: - polity (organization/institution) - policy - politics


Media interventionism

Antwort: Politicians sound bites; Journalistic visibility; Wrap-ups; Lip flaps; Framing politics as a strategic game; Journalistic style

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