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Summary Macbeth Revision Booklet

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Macbeth Revision Booklet

vorschau 4 aus 62   Seiten

  • Ja
  • 12. januar 2023
  • 62
  • 2022/2023
  • Zusammenfassung
  • 2
Year 11 Revision


This pack includes:
• Screen shots of class notes
• Quotes to learn
• Practice Questions

, How to revise ‘Macbeth’
Revising plot, character and themes
1. Re-read the scenes, paying careful attention to the
notes. You should be using this pack AND your
exercise book to remind yourself of the writing you
did about scenes/lines from important speeches. I can teach others and
2. Re-read the scenes while watching a performance repeat/apply in another context
of that scene. Use YouTube to find the scene. and at another time.
3. After you have finished watching/reading the I understand and can
scene, you should: repeat/apply.
• close your notes
• produce your own notes/brainstorm which I follow you and understand.
 what happens in the scene
I follow you.
 what we learn about characters
 key quotes and analysis of what we learn
 relevant social-historical context. I don't get it!
4. Once you have finished making your notes,
compare them to the notes in your book or this

Applying Knowledge and Skills
1. Read through the sample answer in this pack. I can teach others and
Remind yourself of the skills involved in writing repeat/apply in another context
about Macbeth. Remember these are the same
and at another time.
skills for analysing any text on Literature papers or
Section A on the Language paper. I understand and can
2. Practice writing sample answers in timed repeat/apply.
conditions. You have 52 mins (Extra time: 1 hour 5
mins) to spend on the question but this includes I follow you and understand.
time to:
• Read I follow you.
• Decode
• Plan I don't get it!
• Answer
3. Make sure you internalise the planning format at
the back of this pack. It is the same one you use for
‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’. Internalising the planning
format means you can use it without looking at it
or writing the column headings first.


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