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Summary EP1- Vocabulary 2nd semester 4,49 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary EP1- Vocabulary 2nd semester

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woordenschat EP1 uit Vocabulary in Use en Handouts van het 2de semester

vorschau 3 aus 29   Seiten

  • 28. dezember 2022
  • 29
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung
Topic 6: health(care) —————————

primary care is provided by the doctors (/physicians)

home visit what the family doctors sometimes do

locum doctor that does the job of another doctor who is ill
or on holiday

acute condition sudden and severe in onset

chronic condition long term or lifelong

secondary care is provided by specialists in special clinics or

organ part of the body (e.g. liver)

ophtalmologist eye doctor

cardiologist heart doctor

psychiatrist mind doctor

dermatologist skin doctor

gyneacologists female reproductive systems doctor

obstetricians pregnancy and childbirth doctor

paediatricians children’s doctor

anaesthetists anaesthesia or stopping people from feeling pain
during surgery

alternative medicine/complementary medicine medical treatments that are used instead of
traditional (mainstream) therapies (e.g.
acupuncturists people who treat patients by using needles at
special points around the skin

chiropractors people who treat patients by pressing joints in
places where joints are connected (e.g. the spine)

homeopatic doctors doctors who use tiny amounts of natural
substances to treat an illness

aromatherapists therapists who use aromatic oils and massage

healthcare / NHS general expression for all the services offered by
hospitals, clinics, dentists,..

national insurance tax paid by most working adults which covers the
costs of healthcare for everyone

family doctor / GP (general practitioner) doctor who looks after
people’s general health

a surgery small centre offering primary care, run by a (group
of) GP(s) / branch of medicine that involves carrying
out operations

,clinic centre which specialises in treating a particular
(group of) condition(s)

prescription charge charge for the medication the doctor prescribes
which you pay at the pharmacy

hurt give pain caused

ache persistent low-level pain

stinging sudden, burning pain

throbbing beating with pain

stiff neck pain and difficulty in moving your neck round

twisted ankle injured by turning it suddenly

dizzy a feeling that you are spinning around and can’t

feverish with a high temperature/fever

shivery hot/cold shaking slightly, usually because of a fever

sleepless without sleeping much

nauseous feeling that you want to vomit

trembling shaking

bunged up blocked (inf.)

low-dose measured amount of medicine that is relatively

asthma medical condition in which breathing becomes
difficult because air passages have narrowed
past history of smt record of medical conditions a person has

disorder illness of the body or mind

gastrointestinal disease illness of the stomach or digestive passages

bowel tube that carries solid waste out of the body

adverse reactions unwanted results

stroke sudden change in blood supply to the brain causing
loss of function of part of the body

conditions illnesses or physical problems

exceed take more than

duration length

side effect unwanted effects in addition to the intended one

allergic reactions conditions affecting skin or breathing because of
eating or coming into contact with certain

, particles small pieces

stools medical term for excrement (form.) or poo (inform.)

symptom / symptomatic behaviour medical meaning, problem indicating an illness

diagnosed medical meaning, identify what illness a patient has

prognosis medical meaning, how expert expect an illness to

ailing unwell, sickly

an ailing organisation with a lot of temperature

rash a lot of small red spots on the skin

a rash of burglaries a number of similar things happening at the same

fever high temperature

election, World Cup,… fever great excitement

a fever pitch a point of very high intensity

jauniced yellow-looking skin because of a liver problem

a jauniced view unenthusiastic or sceptical because of previous bad

scar mark left on skin after an injury such as a cut

carry the scars of/ be scarred by be permanently affected by a negative experience

to infect to pass on an illness

pulse regular beating of heart e.g. felt on the wrist

to be impeded slowed down or difficult

plaque unwanted substance that forms on the surface of
the arteries

clog cause smt to be blocked

cholesterol fatty substance found in the body tissue and blood
of all animals

nutritious (N: nutrition) containing substances that your body needs to stay

pose a danger cause a problem

fibre substance in foods such as fruit, vegetables and
brown bread, which travels through the body as

lentils very small dried beans that are cooked and then

oatmeal type of flour made from oats or a grain used to
make porridge

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