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Summary Branding 2022 - Summaries of All Required Readings 10,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Branding 2022 - Summaries of All Required Readings

  • Kurs
  • Hochschule

The document includes summaries of all required readings. Perfect preparation for the exam!

vorschau 4 aus 39   Seiten

  • 21. märz 2022
  • 39
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: dragosanton • 11 Monate vor


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What are the three principles of branding boundaries according to Swaminathan et al. (2020)?

Antwort: 1. Information Availability and Speed of Information Dissemination (search costs have decreased) 2. Networks of People and Devices and Growth of Platforms (firms have to compete with other stakeholders 3. Device-to-Device connectivity (brand experiences have become more complex)


What kinds of brands have increased because of hyperconnectivity?

Antwort: idea brands, place brands and people brands


What does blurring of brand boundaries entail?

Antwort: = blurring happens when brand stakeholders are increasingly shaping the product and the marketing activities of the brand due to shared ownership, co-creation and control


What does broadening of brand boundaries entail?

Antwort: = broadening happens when the reach of the brand includes new stakeholders, making us question what a brand is precisely


What consumer trend does Schultz (2016) describe?

Antwort: Consumers move away from FMCG and show a decline in consumer-perceived brand differentiation, leading to no brand preference (NBP)


How can we reinvent brand management in an interactive marketplace?

Antwort: 1. Shift to behavioral data and longitudinal analysis 2. Focus on networked systems and multidimensional models 3. Financial focus 4. Connect with or include other organizations in brand development


Describe the 4 levels of the CBBE pyramid, also mention the left and right-hand sides of levels 2 and 3.

Antwort: Level 1 = salience Level 2 = performance (left) and imagery (right) Level 3 = judgements (left) and feelings (right) Level 4 = resonance


What is brand equity?

Antwort: The differential effect that brand knowledge has on consumer responses to brand marketing activity.


Explain the difference between the left and right sides of the CBBE pyramid.

Antwort: The left side is the practical route: what can the brand do for me? The right side is the emotional route: how does the brand make me feel?


What is brand resonance?

Antwort: having a meaning relationship with a brand

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