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Summary Engels 3

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Samenvatting van alles wat we moeten kennen voor Engels 3. Ook extra info over de tijden, adverbs & conditionals etc. wat je in het eerste jaar hebt gezien.

vorschau 4 aus 63   Seiten

  • 21. januar 2022
  • 63
  • 2021/2022
  • Zusammenfassung
Engels 3


1. zero conditional

- for things that are always true as long as the condition is met
- facts, certainty → zeker gebeuren
- if + present simple, present simple
voorwaarde gevolg
- ex. If you heat water to 100 degrees celsius, it boils. (fact)

2. first conditional

- a real possibility in the future → bijna zeker
- one connecting 2 future actions, where one must take place before the second is
- if + present simple, will + base verb
voorwaarde gevolg
- ex. If she gets good grades, she will go to university.

- other modal verbs in the result (gevolg) part of the sentence:
→ will = definitely
→ may = not sure
→ should = opinion/advice
→ can = possible
→ could/might = possible but not likely

- different present forms in the condition (voorwaarde) part of the sentence:
→ present simple = an action in the future ( work)
→ present continuous = an unfinished present action/a future arrangement (are working)
→ present perfect = a finished action related to now (have worked)
→ will + base verb = making an agreement/expressing displeasure bcs someone insist on
doing something (will work)
- ! result is dan altijd: will + base verbe !

3. second conditional

- imaginary present or unlikely future
- used to talk about imaginary present situations
- talk about things in the future that are unlikely to happen
- if + past simple, would + base verb
voorwaarde gevolg
- ex. if I had the time, I would learn Italian. (I don’t have the time, so I’m not going
to learn Italian)

, - other modal verbs in the result part of the sentence:
→ would + base verb = sure that they would do it given the opportunity
→ might + base verb = a possibility
→ should + base verb = good idea but isn’t committed to it
→ could + base verb = a possibility

- I, he, she & it can be used with was & were !
→ ex. If I were you, I’d marry her.
→ ex. If I was you, I’d marry her.

4. third conditional

- imaginary past
- used when we are talking about the past and imagining something different from
what actually happened
- if + past perfect, would have + papa
voorwaarde gevolg
- ex. if I had known, I would have helped. (I didn’t know and didn’t help.)

- other modal verbs in the result part of the sentence:
→ would have + papa = sure about the result that this didn’t happen
→ could/might have + papa = a possibility
→ should have + papa = suggestion/advice

the mixed conditional

1. type I

- use: to show the present consequences of a past action/state/situation
- now
- conditional clause (if) = past perfect, main clause: would/should + infinitive
- ex. If we’d listened to his advice, we wouldn’t be in this mess now.

2. type II

- use: to describe ongoing circumstances in relation to a previous past
- conditional clause: simple past, main clause: would have/should have + past
- ex. If you weren’t such a poor dancer, you would have got a job in the chorus line of
that musical.

,question tags

1. what?

- a small question that comes at the end of the sentence

2. use

- formal & spoken
- to check whether something is true
- to ask the listener to agree with what we’ve said

3. form

- auxiliary verb or non-auxiliary BE or HAVE + pronoun subject
- when the main sentence contains an auxiliary verb or the non-auxiliary form of BE or
HAVE, we repeat the auxiliary verb in the question tag
- auxiliary verbs: be, do, have, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would & must
- 3 forms
1. if the main sentence is positive ⇒ tag = negative
→ ex. you are Spanish, aren’t you?
2. if the main sentence is negative ⇒ tag = positive
→ ex. we can’t go home now, can we?
3. if there is no auxiliary verb in the main sentence ⇒ use: to do
→ ex. you live in Spain, don’t you?

4. important points

- present tense: subject is I, ‘to be’ ⇒ aren’t I? (negative)
→ ex. I’m sitting next to you, aren’t I?
- use positive question tag after a sentence containing a negative word such as:
no, never, hardly, nobody, scarcely, little, nothing
→ ex. you’ve never liked me, have you?
- with an imperative common question tags are: will you, would you, can you & could
→ ex. close the window, will you?
→ more emphatic are: can’t you, won’t you
- shut up, won’t you?
→ if the imperative is negative we use will you
- ex. don’t look at me like that, will you?
- with ‘let’s’ the question tag is shall we

, - ‘there’ can be a subject in a QT
→ ex. There is hardly any time left, is there?
- when the subject is nothing, everything, anything, something ⇒ it in QT
→ ex. Nothing bad happened, did it?
- when the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, anybody ⇒ they in QT
→ ex. Nobody asked for me, did they?
- use positive QT’s after positive sentences ⇒ when we want to express a reaction like
interest, concern or suprise
→ ex. so, you’re moving to Brazil, are you? How exciting!
→ we do this to pose questions
- ex. This is the train to Brussels, is it?
- ‘d in the following examples stand for ‘had’ (with better) & ‘would’ (with rather)
→ ex. you’d better phone Judy, hadn’t you?
→ ex. he’d rather you phoned her, wouldn’t he?

5. intonation

- if the QT is a real question ⇒ rising intonation
- if the QT isn’t a real question ⇒ falling intonation

(complex) passive

1. passive

active verb
- use: when we say what the subject does
→ ex. My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1981.

passive verb
- use: when we say what happens to the subject
→ ex. How old is this house? - It was built in 1981.

= who or what causes the action is often unknown or unimportant
→ ex. Is this room cleaned every day? (does somebody clean it? it’s not important
- ! if we want to say who does or what causes the action → by !
- ex. This house was built by my grandfather.

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