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Summary Business Research

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  • Ja
  • 31. oktober 2014
  • 31. oktober 2014
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  • 2014/2015
  • Zusammenfassung
Summary business research 1

Chapter 1 introduction to research
What is research?
Research is the process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the
situational factors.

Business research
Can be described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encouraged in the
work setting, which need a solution. It comprises a series of steps that are designed and executed with the
goal of finding answers to the issues that are concern to the manager in the work environment.
1st The first step is to know where the problem areas exist in the organization, and to identify the
problems that need to be studied and resolved.
2nd Steps can be taken to determine the factors that are associated with the problem, gather
information and analyze the data
3rd Solve it by taken the necessary correctives measures.
This entire process is called research.
The expected end results would be discovery that helps the manager to deal with the problem situation.

Definition of business research
Research provides the necessary information that guides managers to make informed decisions to
successfully deal with problems. The information provided could be the result of a careful analysis of data
gathered first-hand or data that are already available. These data can be quantitative data (in form of
numbers as generally gathered through structured questions) or qualitative (data in the form of words as
generated from the broad answers to questions in interviews, or from responses to open-ended questions
in a questionnaire, or through observation, or from already available information gathered from various
sources such as internet).

Research and the manager
In business, research is usually primarily conducted to resolve problematic issues or interrelated among,
the areas of accounting, finance management and marketing.
(Common researched topical areas in business examples page 4 and 5 research methods for business
chapter 1)
Not only are the issues within any subarea related to many factors within that particular system, but they
must also be investigated in the context of the external environment facing the business. These have to be
scrutinized as well to assess their impact, if any, on the problem being researched.

Types of business research: applied and basic
Research can be undertaken for two different purposes:
- Applied research: solve a current problem faced by the manager in the work setting, demanding a
timely solution. Research done with the intention of applying the results of to the findings to solve
specific problems currently being experienced in an organization.
- Basic, fundamental, pure research: generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how
certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved. Research done chiefly to make a
contribution to existing knowledge. The primary purpose of conducting this research is to
generate more knowledge of certain phenomena and problems that occur in several
organizations and industries with a view to finding solutions, the knowledge is often applied later
for solving organizational problems
The main distinction between applied and basic business research is that the former is specifically aimed
as solving a currently experienced problem within a specific organization, whereas the latter has the
broader objective of generating knowledge and understanding of phenomena and problems that occur in
various organizational settings.

Managers and research
Being knowledgeable about research and research methods helps professional managers to:

, 1. Identify and effectively solve minor problems in the work setting
2. Know how to discriminate good from bad research
3. Appreciate and be constantly aware of the multiple influences and multiple effects to factors
impinging on a situation
4. Take calculated risks in decisions making, knowing full well the probabilities associated with the
different possible outcomes.
5. Prevent possible vested interests from exercising their influence in a situation
6. Relate to hired researchers and consultants more effectively
7. Combine experience with scientific knowledge while making decisions

The manager and the consultant-researcher
Managers do often need to engage a consultant to study some of the more complex, time-consuming
problems that they encounter. So it is important to be knowledgeable about how to effectively interact
with the consultant, what the manager-consultant relationship should be, and the advantage and
disadvantages of internal versus external consultants.

The manager-researcher relationship
The manager has to inform the researchers what types of information may be provided to them and, more
importantly, which of their records will not be made available for them. Managers who are very
knowledgeable about research can more easily foresee what information the researchers might require,
and if certain trade secrets. If they know the constraints right from the beginning, the researchers might
be able to identify alternate ways of tackling the problems and to design the research in such a way as to
provide the needed answers.
The manager should also make sure that there is congruence in the value systems for management and
the consultants.
While hiring researchers or consultants the manager should make sure that:
1. The roles and expectations of both parties made explicit
2. Relevant philosophies and value systems of the organization are clearly stated and constrains, if
any, are communicated
3. A good rapport is established with the researches and between the researches and the employees
in the organization, enabling the full cooperation of the latter.

Internal versus external consultants/researchers
Internal consultants/researchers
Some organizations have their own consulting or research department, which might be called the
management service department, the organization and methods department, R&D (research and
development department). This department serves ad the internal consultant to subunits of the
organization that face certain problems and seek help. The manager often has to decide whether to use
internal of external researchers.

Advantages of internal consultants/researchers
1. The internal team stands a better chance of being readily accepted by the employees in the
subunit of the organization where research needs to be done.
2. The team requires much less time to understand the structure, the philosophy and climate, and
the functioning work system in the organization.
3. They are available t implement their recommendations after their research findings have been
accepted. This is very important because any “bugs” in the implementation of the
recommendations may be removed with their help. They are also available to evaluate the
effectiveness of the changes, and to consider further changes if and when necessary.
4. The internal team might cost considerably less than an external team for the department enlisting
help in problem solving, because they will need less time to understand the system due to their
continuous involvement with various units of the organization for problems of low complexity,
the internal team would be ideal.

Disadvantages of internal consultants/researchers
1. In view of their long tenure as internal consultants, the internal team may quite possibly fall into
a stereotype way of looking at the organization and its problems. They are a handicap when
weighty issues and complex problems are to be investigated

, 2. There is scope for certain powerful coalitions in the organization to influence the internal team to
conceal, distort, or misrepresent certain facts.
3. There is also a possibility that even the most highly qualified internal research teams are not
perceived as “experts” by the staff and management, and hence their recommendations may not
get the consideration and attention they deserve.
4. Certain organizational biases of the internal research team, might, in some instances, make the
findings less objective and consequently less scientific.

External consultants/researchers
Advantages of external consultants/researchers
1. The external team can draw on a wealth of experience from having worked with different types of
organizations that have had the same similar problems. This wide range of experience enables
them to think both divergently and convergent rather than hurry to an instant solution on the
basis of the apparent facts in the situation. They are able to ponder over alternative ways of
looking at the problem because of their extensive problem-solving experience in various other
organizational setups. Having viewed the situation from several possible angles and perspectives
and focus on the specific feasible solutions.
2. The external teams might have more knowledge of current sophisticated problem solving models
though their periodic training programs, which is a real threat in the consulting area. The external
teams with all the latest problem-solving techniques may vary considerably from one
organization to another.

Disadvantages of external consultants/researches
- The costs
- The considerable time the external team takes to understand the organization. Employees do not
accept them.
- External teams charges fees for their assistance in the implementation and evaluation phrases.

Knowledge about research and managerial effectiveness
Knowledge of research heightens the sensitivity of managers to the innumerable internal and external
factors of a varied nature operating in their work and organization environment.

Ethics and business research
Ethics in business research refers to a code of conduct of expected societal norms of behaviors while
conducting research.
Ethical behavior pervades each step of the research process- data collections, data analyses, reporting and
dissemination of information on the Internet.

Chapter 17 the research report
The key purpose is to offer a clear description of what has been done in the various stages of the research
process. A research report may possibly include information of the formulation of the problem statement,
the development of a theoretical framework, collection of data, analysis of data and interpretation of the
It is imperative to inform the reader about the specific aim of purpose of the research as soon as possible.
A research report is well written when a colleague is able to replicate the research after reading the
report. It’s also important that the result and recommendations are objectively and effectively
communicated to the sponsor, so that the suggestions made are accepted and implemented.

The written report
Starts with a description of the management problem and the research objective. The written report has
to focus on the issues discussed below

The purpose of the written report
It is important to identify the purpose of the report, where the form of report will depend on. The
advantages and disadvantages of each of the proposed solutions, together with a cost-benefit analysis in

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