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Summary alle woordenschat van English for marketeers 2B 6,29 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary alle woordenschat van English for marketeers 2B

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de te kennen woordenschat voor English for marketeers 2B zowel van het boek professional in use als market leader

vorschau 3 aus 22   Seiten

  • Ja
  • 5. april 2021
  • 22
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: laebg • 2 Jahr vor

U 4: marketing strategy and the marketing plan
Marketing strategy How company will position itself
To sell
To provide
Competitive marketplace
Marketing mix
Marketing plan Written document which details the marketing methods and marketing
Marketing methods Advertising, price promotion
Marketing actions Marketing activities: back to school promotional offer
Marketing objectives Increase in sales or a successful product launch
To develop a marketing plan
AOSTCS Analysis, objectives, strategies, tactics and control
Current market situation
Competitor analysis
Product/ service analysis
Target market
USP Unique selling point: what makes you different
Segment Customer group
Goals What you want to achieve
SMART Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed
Market segment
Tracking How the success of the marketing plan will be measured
Executive summary Summary of the marketing plan

U 12: brainstorming
Brainstorming Technique used bij marketers during product naming to find new names
for products or during product development to find new products an to
generate ideas
Product naming
Product development
To generate ideas
Brainstorming team
Scribe Someone who takes the notes
Team members
Problem statement It needs to focus on the aim of the session, but it must be open enough to
allow innovative thinking
To focus on
Innovative thinking

,To set the ground rules
Judgements Criticisms
To criticize ideas
To evaluate ideas
To modify
Quantity of ideas How many there are
Quality of ideas How good they are
No ownership of ideas The ideas belong to the group
Hitchhike on Build on
Creative ideas
To note down To write down
To get the creative juices flowing Get people thinking more creatively
To think out of the box Look at a problem from a new or different angle
Random word
Starting point
Random word generators
Combinatory play Random words are listed and then put together
To combine
To ask novel questions New or different questions
This is probably crazy, but what about…
Let’s get back to …’s idea
It makes me think of…
Just a suggestion, couldn’t we try…
I’ve got it!
If we combine your idea with …’s, we’ll have…

U 13: product and service type
Raw materials Such as cotton, gold and oil
To manufacture To make
Product line A group of related products made and marketed by a manufacturer
Logical grouping Producing different products
To offer
Group of products offered by different companies which are technically
Product type
Product class A group of products that may be considered as substitutes for one another
Convenience goods Products with a high turnover and relatively low price, such as table salt or
Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) shampoo
Consumer packaged goods (CPG)
Major household electrical goods which are usually white, such as
White goods
freezers, washing machines and dishwashers
Major household electrical goods that are not usally white, such as
Brown goods
camcorders, televisions and DVD players
Perishable goods = perishables: goods that have a limited shelf life and must be consumed

, relatively quickly, such as fresh fruit, fresh meat and eggs
= durables: goods that last for long time. They cannot be easily worn out
Durable / hard goods
or used up, such as cars, furniture and white goods
Goods that are used up or last for less than 3 years. For example
Nondurable / soft goods perishable goods, consumable supplies such as CD ROMs, or ink for a
Green products Products that are not harmful for the environment
Products sold without a brand name, usually in a supermarket or in a
Generic products
pharmacy as alternatives to brand name drugs
Products that are beneficial for your health and well-being, for example
Healthcare products
vitamins and plasters
Shelf life The length of time for which an item remains usable
Consumable supplies Products that consumers use recurrently, for example paper, pens, post-it
Service A non-material good
To provide To make available for use
Childcare E.g. childminders, kindergartens
Financial E.g. banking, real estate
Consulting E.g. business and financial advisors
Risk management E.g. insurance and security
Cleaning and maintenance E.g. office cleaners, gardeners
Education and training E.g. private schools, adult colleges
Healthcare E.g. doctors, hospitals
Hairdressing E.g. small salons and large groups
Telecommunications E.g. mobile phones, fixed lines
Entertainment E.g. cinemas, theatres
Tourism E.g. hotels, airlines
Marketing and advertising E.g. consultancies and agencies

U 18: brand values
The code by which the brand lives and operates. They express how the
Brand values
brand wants to be seen by its consumers
To respect
Knowledgeable about A good understanding of
Arear of expertise e.g. computing or finance
Strong heritage Strong, lasting values over many years
International outlook Reporting news from other countries
Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principes
Leadership qualities The skills and knowledge to lead others

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