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PSYCHOLOGY BUNDLE 13 Undergraduate Theoretical Assignments (5 academic essays, 2 literature reviews, 4 academic reports, 1 critical review) 15,22 €   In den Einkaufswagen


PSYCHOLOGY BUNDLE 13 Undergraduate Theoretical Assignments (5 academic essays, 2 literature reviews, 4 academic reports, 1 critical review)

This Bundle contains 5 essays (2 x schizophrenia, 1 x aggression, 1 x intelligence, 1 x schemata), 2 literature reviews (1 x mental illness stigma, 1 x sex differences in opioid analgesia), 5 reports (1 x developmental dyslexia, 1 x adolescence, 1 x antisocial behaviour, 1 x twin studies, 1 x bio...

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13 Sachen

Abnormal psychology: An essay exploring the efficacy of psychopharmacology and metacognitive training (MCT) in the treatment of schizophrenia (with Glossary)


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Assignment type: Essay Level: 10 (UK) Grade awarded: A (87%) Referencing style used: APA Word count of essay: 2339 (+ Reference List+Glossary) Number of pages in total: 14

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Psychology: Developmental dyslexia 'A psychology report examining the efficacy of the Orton-Gillingham and Fast ForWord interventions as treatments for dyslexic children's reading difficulties'


Assignment type: Report/ Briefing paper Level 10 (UK) Grade awarded: A (87%) Referencing style used: APA Word count of report: 2263 (+ Reference List) Number of pages: 14

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Psychology: Mental illness stigma (A literature review)


Introduction section of my undergraduate dissertation (Literature review /Background research) Level 10 (UK) Grade awarded for dissertation: A (73%) Referencing style used: APA Number of pages:21 Subject: Psychology (students studying mental health nursing or sociology may also find the informa...

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Adolescence: 'Is adolescent turbulence biologically determined or socially constructed?' (A psychology report with study notes)


The document contains an academic report on the nature of adolescence: Is adolescent turbulence biologically determined or socially constructed? (Level 8, Grade awarded: A, Referencing style: Harvard) + Summary Study Notes: Parenting styles and their effects, Attachment theory, Adverse childhood e...

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Aggression: Bio-physiological and psycho-social theories (A psychology essay)


The present essay explores the main contributions of various bio-physiological and psycho-social theories to the study of aggressive behaviour. (Etholoical theory, psychoanalytic theory, theories implicating different genetic deficits, structural/functional brain abnormalities, social learning theor...

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Biological Psychology: Sex differences in opioid analgesia A literature review


The present literature review aims to provide an overview of sex-based differences in mu- and kappa-opioid analgesia reported by animal and human studies, & to describe some of the mechanisms thought to underlie these (The roles of genetics/genotypes & gonadal-hormonal status are discussed in great...

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Antisocial behaviour & Nutritional Deficiencies (A psychology report)


The present report aims to summarize and evaluate empirical findings on dietary inadequacies, deficiencies in iron & Omega 3 FAs in particular, as potential risk factors for the development of antisocial behaviour. Assignment type: Report, Level 10, Referencing style: APA, Grade awarded: A

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Abnormal psychology essay: The history of schizophrenia


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Essay (History of schizophrenia : From Kraepelin to the present day), Referencing style: APA, Grade: A

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Autistic Spectrum Disorder & Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Comorbidity in children: A Critical Review


The present critical review aims to explore the implications for dealing with ASD and ADHD together or separately in children who have both conditions. Different treatment approaches are discussed and evaluated. Referencing style: APA

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Psychology Cognition: The roles of schemata in information organization and retrieval


The present essay aims to examine the roles schemata play in information organization and retrieval by discussing relevant research evidence from the schema literature. (Bartlett's theory, Brewer's partial reconstruction theory of memory, studies investigating eyewitness testimony etc.) Referencin...

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Psychology Report- Twin studies as evidence in the nature-nurture debate


The present short report consists of three sections: 1 general overview of the nature-nurture debate in psychology, 2- twin studies cited in favour of genetic influence, 3- some weaknesses of the twin approach. Level of report: 7 (UK), Referencing style: APA

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Psychology essay- The relative importance of general mental ability (g) and narrower, more specific cognitive abilities within intelligence


The present essay explores the relative importance of general mental ability (g) and narrower, more specific cognitive abilities in intelligence. (Spearman's two factor model of intelligence, Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, Vernon's hierarchical model of intelligence etc.). Level 7 (U...

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Abnormal Psychology: The biomedical model and the conceptualization of mental illness


Abnormal psychology: A brief report examining how mental illness is conceptualized from the biomedical perspective, while critically evaluating said approach. Referencing style: APA

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