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American Music Notes 14,83 €   In den Einkaufswagen


American Music Notes

A summarization of a semester's worth or artists, songs, and history are shown only here!

26 Sachen

American Composers & Folk Music


An explanation of popular folk types as well as composers within the time period are mentioned here.

Zum Beispiel

Patriotic Music


A description of patriotic music and its most profound artists are mentioned from the 17th and 18th century.

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Post Native Americans & The Enlightenment


Mentions of important dates after early 1600's are shown here as well as what the enlightenment was composed of.

Zum Beispiel

Musical Terms


An array of musical terms that help in learning the basics of understanding music are shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Musical Terms & Native American History


A description of music's structure and an introduction into Native American history is shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Broadway Music & Artists


What broadway was and what it became as well as famous artists a part of the movement are shown here.

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Civil War Musical Aspects


Descriptions of what the Civil War brought to society both industrially and musically are shown here.

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Artists Post Civil War


Artists after the Civil War and their contributions are shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Music Form & Rock Music


Common descriptions of music are explained and the controversial "Hound Dog" song by two artists are spoken about here.

Zum Beispiel

Religious Music


A description of the aspects of religious music and how they have affected society are shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Influential Late 1800's Artists


An array of artists and their work in which affected society so greatly are shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Country Music


Artists, places, and types of country music are described and analyzed for their influence within society here.

Zum Beispiel

Early 1900's Artist & Tin Pan Alley


Descriptions of early 20th century artists and what Tin Pan Alley consisted of within New York is shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Post Civil War Artists & Music


How artists of the civil war era affected society and slavery is shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Military Bands & Post 1865


How artists have impacted the military music of american history are shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Pre-Civil War Music


Music and the artists to match that have affected society prior to the war are shown here.

Zum Beispiel

African Music


How African music relates to Native American as well as how slavery impacted music is shown here.

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Aspects of the era and the career of Joplin as the "Ragtime King' are analyzed here.

Zum Beispiel

Military Bands & Romanticism


Aspects such as "Yankee Doodle" and more of the military are described as well as what the Romantic Era was and how it affected music at the time.

Zum Beispiel

Native American History


The background behind the Native American music is shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Jazz & Blues


Armstrong's influence in jazz and the many singers of blues are analyzed here.

Zum Beispiel



What opera is composed of and a summary of "The Marriage of Figaro" is shown here.

Zum Beispiel

Secular Music


Artists who have contributed to public concerts and the inventions of early american music are described and summarized here.

Zum Beispiel

Artists in the 19th Century


Gottschalk's most profound work and an array or artists and their work are described here.

Zum Beispiel

African American Musical History


A bit of history on slavery and the music form of spirituals are described here.

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1960's Music


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Love, sorrowful, and party songs are just a few mentioned to help summarize this decade of music.

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