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Intro to Psychology 43,33 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Intro to Psychology

Chapters 1 - 15, these chapters give an overview of the basic concepts of psychology and are perfect for a new student in the field of psychology or for someone wanting to learn something new!

13 Sachen

Intro to Psychology Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Psychology


1.1 Psychology's Early History - Structuralism vs. Functionalism - Sigmund Freud and Unconsciousness - Watson Alters and Behaviorism - B.F. Skinner vs. Behaviorism - The Humanists Revolt 1.2 Psychology's Modern History - Clinical Psychology ...

Zum Beispiel

Intro to Psychology Chapter 15 - Treatment of Psychological Disorders


15.1 Elements of the Treatment Process - Types of treatments - Who provides treatment 15.2 Insight Therapies - Moder Psychodynamic Treatments - How effective is the treatment? 15.3 Behavior Therapies - Systematic Desensitization - Social Skills...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 14 - Psychological Disorders


14.1 General Concepts - Criteria of Abnormal Behavior - Classification of Disorders 14.2 Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD - Phobias - Biological Factors - Cognitive Factors 14.3 Dissociative Disorders - DID - Etiology 14.4 Depressive and Bipola...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 12 - Social Behavior


12.1 Person Perception: Forming Impressions of Others - Stereotypes - Subjectivity 12.2 Attribution Processes: Explaining Behavior - Internal vs. External Attributions - Bias 12.3 Interpersonal Attraction: Liking and Loving - Key Factors in Attraction -...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 11 - Personality


11.1 The Nature of Personality - Defining Personality - Personality Traits - Five-Factor Model 11.2 Psychodynamic Perspectives - Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory - Structure of Personality - Levels of Awareness - Defense mechanisms - Psychosexua...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 10 - Human Development Across the Life Span


10.1 Progress Before Birth: Prenatal Development - Germinal Stage - Embryonic Stage - Fetal Stage - Influencing factors in prenatal development 10.2 Motor, Social, and Language Development in Childhood - Motor development - Theories of Attachment ...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 8 - Cognition and Intelligence


8.1 Language: Turning Thoughts into Words - Theories - Bilingualism 8.2 Problem Solving: In Search of Solutions - Types of Problems - 3 Basic Classes - Barriers - Approaches 8.3 Decision Making: Choices and Chances - Judging Probabilities - H...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 7 - Human Memory


7.1 Encoding: Getting Information into Memory - Attention - Processing - Motivation 7.2 Storage: Maintaining Information in Memory - Sensory Memory - Short-Term Memory - Storage - Long-Term Memory 7.3 Retrieval: Getting Information out of Memory - Re...

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Intro to Psychology Chapter 6 - Learning


6.1 Classical Conditioning - Terminology and Procedures - Pavlov - Basic Processes in classical conditioning 6.2 Operant Conditioning - Skinner - Terminology and Procedures - Basic processes in operant conditioning - Reinforcement - Intermittent Sched...

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Intro to Psych Chapter 5 - The Nature of Consciousness


5.1 - The Nature of Consciousness - Consciousness - Consciousness and brain activity 5.2 - Biological Rhythms and Sleep - The Role of Circadian Rhythms - Ignoring Circadian Rhythms 5.3 - The Sleep and Waking Cycle - 5 Distinct stages of sleep - Age, Culture, a...

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Intro to Psych Chapter 4 - Sensation and Perception


4.1 - The Visual System: Essentials of Sight - The eye anatomy - nearsightedness/farsightedness - visual receptors - visual pathways to the brain - information processing in the brain - Trichromatic theory of color vision 4.2 - The Visual System: Perceptional Processes ...

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Intro to Psych Chapter 3 - The Nervous System


3.1 - Communication in the Nervous System - Neurons - Glia - Signals - Neurotransmitters and behavior 3.2 - Organization of the Nervous System - The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - The Somatic Nervous System (SNS) - The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) - The Central...

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Intro to Psych Chapter 2 - Scientific Approach


2.1 - Looking for Laws: The Scientific Approach to Behavior - Goals of the Scientific Enterprise - Steps in a scientific investigation - advantages of the scientific approach 2.2 - Looking for Causes: Experimental Research - Independent and Dependent variables - experimental a...

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