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HIST 405N Week 1-8 Case Studies, Discussions and Journal Entries Package (All Graded A) 39,12 €   In den Einkaufswagen


HIST 405N Week 1-8 Case Studies, Discussions and Journal Entries Package (All Graded A)

HIST 405N Week 1-8 Case Studies, Discussions and Journal Entries Package (All Graded A)

16 Sachen

HIST 405N Week 1 Case Study: Slavery (Graded A).


HIST 405N Week 1 Case Study: Slavery

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HIST 405N Week 1 Discussion: The Cost of Expansion (3 Answers Graded A).


HIST 405N Week 1 Discussion: The Cost of Expansion Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies. Why couldn’t colonists use indentured servants as they had in the past? How would you describe the differences between slaves and indentured servants?

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HIST 405N Week 2 Discussion 1: The American Revolution (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 2 Discussion 1: The American Revolution What were the causes of the American Revolution? How did the British colonists evolve from good citizens to revolutionaries and back something as unique as the Declaration of Independence?

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HIST 405N Week 2 Discussion 2: Confederation and Constitution (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 2 Discussion 2: Confederation and Constitution What were the main problems with the Articles of Confederation that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787? How did the national government under the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation?

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HIST 405N Week 1 Journal Entry: How I Earned an A in This Class (Graded A)


HIST-405N Week 1 Journal Entry: How I Earned an A in This Class

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HIST 405N Week 3 Case Study: Industrialization (Graded A).


HIST 405N Week 3 Case Study: Industrialization

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HIST 405N Week 3 Discussion: Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War of 1846 (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 3 Discussion: Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War of 1846 How did the ideology of Manifest Destiny contribute to the Mexican War of 1846? Why did the Mexican War of 1846 take place? Was the war necessary? Was it beneficial to the United States? What does this war tell us about this p...

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HIST 405N Week 4 Discussion: The Civil War and Reconstruction (Graded A).


HIST 405N Week 4 Discussion: The Civil War and Reconstruction In the beginning, each side in the Civil War believed the war would … brief and that their side would win. What advantages did each side hold that made them feel this way? Elaborate. After the war, Lincoln had one plan for bringing the ...

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HIST 405N Week 5 Case Study: Who Is a Progressive (Graded A)


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HIST 405N Week 5 Case Study: Who Is a Progressive

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HIST 405N Week 5 Discussion: Industrialization, Imperialism and America s Entry Into WWI (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 5 Discussion: Industrialization, Imperialism and America s Entry Into WWI Describe the basic industries of America’s Industrial Revolution. Explain what made the men who controlled them so successful, and analyze the role of immigrants in industrialization. How did imperialism play ...

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HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The Great Depression (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The Great Depression What were the underlying causes of the depression? Why did the Great Depression of the 1930s seem so much worse than any occurring either before or since? Can you see any modern parallels to the Great Depression? Elaborate.

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HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 2: World War II (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 2: World War II What were the underlying causes of World War II? Select one event that you think irrevocably led the world (and the U.S.) to war more than any other event. Argue your selection with details that support your answer.

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HIST 405N Week 7 Case Study: The Civil Rights Movement and Diversity (Graded A)


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HIST 405N Week 7 Case Study: The Civil Rights Movement and Diversity

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HIST 405N Week 7 Discussion: The Cold War and America (Graded A)


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HIST 405N Week 7 Discussion: The Cold War and America How did the Cold War affect the social and political climate in the United States during the 1950s? In particular, how do you explain McCarthyism and the Red Scare? Can you think of any modern parallels to these events, when fear and paranoia thr...

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HIST 405N Week 8 Journal Entry: Reflections of Learning and Advice to Incoming Students (Graded A)


HIST 405N Week 8 Journal Entry: Reflections of Learning and Advice to Incoming Students

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HIST 405N Week 8 Discussion: Terrorism in the 21st Century (Graded A)


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HIST 405N Week 8 Discussion: Terrorism in the 21st Century Discuss how you see the “war on terrorism” as of this date. Do you think the United States should … engaged in such a war? Give reasons for or against this war and whether or not we are giving up our own principles to wage it.

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