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Complete A Level Chemistry Notes 49,35 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Complete A Level Chemistry Notes

High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( tesstutor123@gmail.com ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page).

26 Sachen

Benzene and Phenol


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). Notes contain: Benzene, phenol, reactions of benzenes and phenol, reactivity of alkenes and arenes

Zum Beispiel



High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 21 pages, Notes cover: Carbonyls, reactions of carbonyls, carboxylic acids, derivatives of carboxylic acids, te...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Amines


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 7 pages, notes cover: amines, amino acids, reactions of amines, aliphatic and aromatic amines, zwitterions, rea...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Polymerisation and Synthetic Routes


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 4 pages, notes cover: condensation polymerisation, polyamides, polyesters, organic synthesis, benzene reaction...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Rates


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 14 pages, notes include: reaction rates, collision theory, order of reaction, rate constants, graphs, catalyst...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Acids Bases and pH


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 6 pages, notes cover: acids, bases, buffers, pH, pH titration curves, worked equations

Zum Beispiel

Summary Enthalpy and Entropy


1x verkauft

High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 9 pages, notes cover: enthalpy, definitions, hess cycles, born-harber cycles, examples, entropy, free energy, G...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Redox Reactions


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 11 pages, notes cover: redox equations, half equations, worked answers, manganate (VII) redox titrations, iodin...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Transition Metals


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 11 pages, notes cover: properties, complex ions, ligands, substitution reactions, haemoglobin

Zum Beispiel

Summary Atomic Structure


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 3 pages, notes include: key definitions, bonding, ions, structure

Zum Beispiel

Summary Moles


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 5 pages, notes cover: definitions, relative mass, isotopic mass, atomic mass, ideal gases, moles calculations ...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Acids and Bases


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 4 pages, notes cover: defintions, acids, bases, neutralisation reactions, how to prepare a standard solution B...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Electron Structure


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 7 pages, notes cover: Ionisation energies, graphs, atomic orbitals, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, dative co...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Periodic Table


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 6 pages, notes cover: ionisation energy, nuclear charge, atomic radius, electron shielding, nuclear attractio...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Group 2 and Halogens


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 5 pages, notes cover: group 2 and properties, group 2 reactions, halogens

Zum Beispiel

Summary Enthalpy


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 14 pages, notes cover: exothermic reactions, endothermic reactions, definitions, enthalpy change, enthalpy cal...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Rates


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 13 pages, notes cover: boltzmann distribution, rate calculations, factors effecting rate of reaction, catalyst...

Zum Beispiel

Summary PAG Techniques Yr 1


1x verkauft

High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page).

Zum Beispiel

Summary PAG Techniques Yr 1


1x verkauft

High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page).

Zum Beispiel

Reaction Mechanism Summary


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 6 pages, notes cover: electrophilic addition, markownikoff's rule, nucleophilic additon, radical substitution...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Compounds


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 5 pages, notes cover: structure and properties of metallic, covalent, simple molecular and ionic compounds. In...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Synthetic Route Map Yr 1


4x verkauft

High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page).

Zum Beispiel

Summary Organic Basics


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page).

Zum Beispiel

Summary Alkenes and Radicals


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 14 pages, notes cover: radical substitution, properties of alkenes, C-C bonds, stereoisomers, carbocations, ad...

Zum Beispiel

Summary Haloalkanes, alcohols and reactions


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 9 pages, notes include: haloalkanes, nucleophiles, defintions, nucleophilic substituition, oxidation of alcoho...

Zum Beispiel

Summary identifying organic compounds


High quality, handwritten, A grade, A level chemistry notes in .pdf file format. PM or email ( ) for queries, online tutoring (from £15/hr) and homework help/completion (from £5/page). 9 pages, notes cover: mass spec, IR spec, exam tips, fragmentation, sample traces BONUS: synthetic route map

Zum Beispiel
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